View Full Version : Anxiety hitting me bad - lack of sleep

08-11-2013, 02:28 AM
I have been a general worrier for years but now I'm at a really bad stage. I worry about the most stupid of things such as sleeping at my friends house, leaving home for some while, sometimes even going to a party!

My real anxiety started a couple of months ago, I couldn't sleep for what ever reason and now I just think I can't sleep before I even try because I've had so many bad sleeps. This did get better but now I booked myself to go to a festival which I'm even more nervous about, and it's brought me back to anxiety days - I get a fast heart rate and I find it hard to eat (I'm a normal weight)

So basically does anyone else like me just generally worry about random things?
How do you cope? Because I'm finding it extremely difficult at the minute and so are my parents with me sometimes looking down because of a lack of sleep.

But I also get stressed because I think to myself .. Why am I getting worried about the things I should enjoy most about in life? It seems ridiculous and I need someone's help to make me snap out of getting so anxious over things that should be fun!!

08-11-2013, 03:35 AM
I know it sounds stupid but I would really appreciate a reply, I'm feeling really bad at the minute and usually I'm the happiest son who always makes my parents laugh

08-11-2013, 08:28 AM
Wp, I am the same way. I have done so many things in my life such as going to Iraq in the military, traveling to lots of countries, going to huge concerts in the middle of no where, road trips out of town for fun. Now it's hard for me to even leave my house because I have so much anxiety, it's hard to sleep, and I always have an upset stomach. I just went to a friend's house last night for a dinner party and have known him for years, but I was extremely nervous for no reason at all. To top it off I had the worst sinus headache which was making me dizzy and causing me to be even more worried.

You just have to pretend sometimes that you don't even have the symptoms, and place it on the very back of your mind. You are a strong person and your brain is a fine piece of machinery that can sometimes play tricks on you. Maybe even talk to your parents and let them know. I used to have such a hard time trying to hide the fact that I was having anxiety that it only made things worse. I have recently told all my friends, my girlfriend, and even my boss. It actually helps knowing you don't have to hide anymore. Talking things out really helps and finding this website has also helped. Whenever I feel anxious I get on here and read the posts of others feeling the same way and I don't feel so alone. I hope you are sleeping nice and comfortable now. Feel refreshed when you wake up and start another gorgeous day. Stay Strong.

08-11-2013, 09:21 AM
Thank you so much for the reply!
My sleeps have been off and on. They were getting really better until as I said I booked a festival to Go too. I don't even think about this in bed but I get so wound up when Ive not even slept even if its been an hour! I just need help with relaxing and I am a positive guy, anxiety used to never be a problem it used to be feeling sick, but as I said now its sleep disturbances and an active heart
I'm just going to be positive and see how things go - I believe I'm too strong for a doctor and this forum is really helpful