View Full Version : New here...feeling alone and dealing with odd symptoms

08-10-2013, 09:19 PM
Hi everyone! I am new to this site and am hoping to connect with people that can relate to what I go through on a daily basis. Does anyone out there have weird physical symptoms related to anxiety such as difficulty forming words and speech problems? I also have days where I feel so foggy in my head and feel out of it, coordination problems, dizziness, etc...I have seen a neurologist and had an MRI done because I swore I had MS or some other debilitating disease but I checked out fine...physically at least. But I still find it hard to believe that my anxiety cod cause such symptoms. As a side note I have suffered with depression and anxiety for 20+ years now so doctors just treat me like its all in my head. Help!! Feeling alone and need to know if anyone else has these issues...thank you in advance!!

08-10-2013, 09:30 PM
Hi Carissa. Yes, many of us have experienced these symptoms and a whole slew of others. Anxiety can trigger some of the craziest stuff in our bodies. If you've been thoroughly examined and other illnesses have been ruled out, then I'd say yes, this sounds like anxiety. You just have to remember how powerful an organ our brains really are. They control everything in our body, from coordination, to organ function, to pain sensations, to our sense of balance or vertigo...you name it. I hope you'll find many good suggestions for helping you defeat your anxiety on here. There are lots of great people who understand because they've experienced or are currently experiencing the same things. I think you'll find comfort in seeing how many people know and sympathize with what you're experiencing. -Jeff

08-10-2013, 09:56 PM
Hi Jeff! Thanks for taking the time to respond to my post. I realize anxiety can cause a lot of symptoms but haven't read too much on people having problems with speech problems and I find that I am getting really distressed over it, which I'm sure isn't helping the matter. I work in a corporate environment, and because of this I think I obsess and automatically feel my job is in jeopardy because I have trouble speaking. I am just feeling at a loss right now and was hoping to find others that are experiencing the same thing and to see what they have done for it. Feeling lost...

08-10-2013, 10:03 PM
I haven't personally experienced speech problems, but hopefully someone here who has can help you out or shed some light on this. I imagine that would be stressful in a job setting. Best of luck to you. I hope you'll find help soon. There are lots of nice, supportive people here.

08-10-2013, 10:18 PM
Jeff, thank you again for taking the time to hear me out!

08-11-2013, 08:37 AM
Carissapink, Everything you have named as symptoms I experience on a daily basis. Sometimes it takes about an hour after I wake up but then everything becomes hazy, almost like a dream state. I look around my apartment and it doesn't even feel like my apartment. I also feel sick to my stomach, dizzy, light headed, or just simply weird. I have had all kinds of tests done and ruled out pretty much everything. I currently take xanax on an as needed basis and see a therapist for anxiety. I actually start to try sometimes because it feels good to talk to someone who understands what I go through and I feel better inside. Stay Strong you are not alone.

08-11-2013, 08:44 AM
Hi Carissa, I can relate to what you are talking about in your post. Some days I feel like I can't form a full thought and I feel completely absence minded. At times it seems like my brain is going faster than my mouth and I can't get everything out, so I start tripping over my words. I can totally relate when you say " I work in a corporate environment, and because of this I think I obsess and automatically feel my job is in jeopardy because I have trouble speaking." I work in the same type of environment and most of the time I can keep my game face on but when I have those moments I freak out." I find if I escape to the bathroom and do some breathing I can usually collect my thoughts. Are you in a big office and is it hard for you to get away? I am fortunate that I have an office, so if it is really bad I can close my door.