View Full Version : Mixed Anxiety

08-10-2013, 07:34 PM
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum, found it while searching my iphone for apps to help with my anxiety.
My anxiety has always been around since i can remember, however it wasn't until the last 1 and half years that it has been significant enough that it has stopped me doing many things i use to do.
My main issue is constant anxious feelings, I cant stay anywhere other than my home for the last 19 years and i also find it extremely different doing new things, starting new jobs, going out with friends etc. This has left me with pretty much no life..
I am currently taking medication for depression (citalopram) and also seeing a therapist every week..
Does anyone have any tips or tricks to help other than prescribed medication? I've tried lavender oil for sleeping and relaxing, which is working great.
Many thanks