View Full Version : Hangover anxiety

10-22-2007, 11:04 AM
Anybody else get well bad anxiety after alcohol. What a fkn nightmare, I used to be able to go out friday nights and be fine the next day, now its like a full on panic attack. Ruined my social life tbh. Absolute nightmare. If anyone suffered from these hangover anxiety symptons then have you ot to a level where you can enjoy a night out and not be dead to the world due to anxiety the next day? I hate this, its ruining my fun

mr panic man
10-22-2007, 11:57 AM
my story exactly i no how you feel you spend all week gettin on top of ya anxiety then have to start all over again after friday cuz its got worce from drinking

i have managed to mix the 2 tho it cAn be done i have got to the stage where i get pissed fri sat and sun in a row if i wnt. yea monday is a lill ruffer because of it but its worth it to have ma social life back

so i guess all i saying is it cAN be dun.

but i have no reli tips or tricks to help it
supppose it jus all stems back to how well u cope with anxity in the first place

sory i cudet be more help keep me posted on pm let me no how its goin next time you drink

10-22-2007, 01:49 PM
Will do mate. Keep the faith :D

Actually found another forum and some geezer who had the same, sorted his anxiety and now back to enjoying himself and not suffering anything else but a bad head the day after.

Joined : Oct 06, 2006
Posts : 1
Rank: Nubie

My Other Topics Posted : Oct 06, 2006 11:36:40 AM Subject :
Re: Boozing and Anxiety
I went through a phase of having bad anxiety the day after a drinkin session aswell, which then increased to the same symptoms actually whilst i was drinking.....i could hardly even drink 1 glass of wine without my heart racing and feeling anxious.....But i thought to myself....."this must be a physical problem cos why would it just happen like this?".....so i went to the doc who wasn't very helpful and just said....."Some people can't tolerate alcohol in their system so you should stop drinking" - very ****ing helpful!..... frustrated, i later saw an advert for hypnotherapy and the Reiki Emotional Freedom Technique.....I was very sceptical at first and won't explain the in's and out's of it, but after only a few sessions i was back on the booze and anxiety free.....so i urge all you anxious boozers on this post to give it a try cos if it worked for me it can work for anyone.....shithot!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

mr panic man
10-22-2007, 01:55 PM
yea thats good news 4 the both of us then your english im gessin ?

and how long have you had your anxiety for and do u no what caused yours

10-22-2007, 02:18 PM
Yes mate, I reckon around 4 months. Well had 1st full on attack 4 months ago which was a killer. Split with my ex 6 months back so that may of kicked it into full flow. Im actively hunting for ways around this cos being young free and single requires havng a laff, 2 nights out a week should be fine, in my prime it was 4-5 :mrgreen: I'll try and get the above fellas email and see what hypno they did for him.

10-22-2007, 03:23 PM
Same happens to me recentally.

I had my worst ever attack from a hangover on saturday.. i over drank as usual and was almost passing out, shaking and going hot and cold, and couldn't think properly, it was like i was on drugs.

It's fucking shit all this bolax anxiety shit.. its really starting to piss me off.

all of the shit that i have mixed together is really starting to ware on me... mild ocd, stupid thoughts.. anxious.. panic attacks.. think im gonna die.. worry about dieing.. worry about being on a planet in space.. worry about sleep.. worry about my teeth.. worry about being socially normal.. worry about being embarrassed.. worry about my ears and head exploding or shutting down or something coz of taking to many drugs at once (even tho ive not done many)

worry that i forget who i am and who my family is..

hahaha im worried about going to see SAW 4 now For fuck sake..

never used to be like this... i remember being in the cinema consouling a girl because "i was the brave male" back then what the fuck has happened!

im even worried that posting this will make me look like a retard.. but nvm coz i dont give a shit anymore.. im gonna try this approuch... so if i think im gonna die oh fucking wel.. nvm life is shit anyway.. if i think im worry about trains then oh well.. worried about girlfriends oh well.. nvm sick of making myself into a retard..


10-23-2007, 11:59 PM
you know, since Alcohol is a GABAergic drug, its reasonable to assume you might feel a kind of withdrawal and anxiety as a repercussion. I take another GABAergic drug, clonazepam. Which of course has withdrawal as well, although I take mine everyday. I never noticed rebound anxiety after drinking, but I take clonazepam so it's kind of hard to know.

10-25-2007, 08:28 PM
Anybody else get well bad anxiety after alcohol. What a fkn nightmare, I used to be able to go out friday nights and be fine the next day, now its like a full on panic attack. Ruined my social life tbh. Absolute nightmare. If anyone suffered from these hangover anxiety symptons then have you ot to a level where you can enjoy a night out and not be dead to the world due to anxiety the next day? I hate this, its ruining my fun

Well my hangovers are much worse now that I have this nonsense. When I'm drunk dont feel as bad, but the next day I feel so crap. I don't get panic attacks or anything, just a weird feeling

10-28-2007, 04:54 PM
This is strange reading this, i get it aswell. After a good beer session the day after i get full on anxiety, mainly physical symptoms like palpitations and breathlessness. Ive noticed aswell the more and more beer i drink the more and more fucked up i feel the next day, like anxiety.

I still drink though, carnt live without beer, best advice i can give is just cutt down, i'l still drink quite alot but instead of drinking every week i drink every fortnight instead.

I read something before also that drinking uses up all the GABA or some crap in your brain which is reasponsible for helping you fight of stess/anxiety.

Take it easy peeps...

10-29-2007, 02:19 PM
Out of interest, is your diet relatively low GI? Or do you eat 3 meals aday or 6. Reason being this has crept up on me, and its either mental, or nutritional. bout 6 months ago I started low GI'ing. I didnt follow it intensely and probs had 3 low GI meals a day and 2 low GI snacks. I think this combined with plenty of exercise that I do, has left me with lower than normal or uncontrolled blood sugar levels. Now seeing as beer is hypoglacemic, lowers my blood even more, I think the day after I cant handle the beer as much as when I eat more unheatlhy. So.... its either eat crap or drink crap. But I agree, I aint guna give up booze, even if the day after is awaful. I also heard drinking low carb booze will make ur symptoms 50/60 % more bareable the next day. These include vodka whiskey etc, or low carb beer, like low c I think. Also eat before and after, ideally summit with protein in, or something like crackers. Hope some of this helps you. im guna gradually introduce a bit more sugar into my diet and keep exercise down to 40mins a day as opposed to 1hr30 as I had been doing.

11-12-2007, 07:46 PM
I had my first panic attack about a month ago and now i suffer from anxiety just found this site and its so funny reading about other peoples thoughts on it. its made me cry with laughter just reading some of the posts

i cant go sleep cause i feel like i will die lol
and everytime i now drink i feel like im gonna die and being at univeristy aint helping the situation.

o-well all fun and games

11-13-2007, 06:21 PM
A few thoughts-

My first (and only) panic attack was after a night of moderate drinking. I hadn't eaten much that day, and hadn't been drinking much lately, and had about 6 beers over the course of 6 hours. I woke up around 4am completely out of my mind (the thought was "I shouldn't be feeling this weird after only 6 beers over the course of an entire evening!") and freaked out and ended up in the hospital.

Since that time, I've completely lost my beer enjoyment, and coming from a former beer geek, this is really unfortunate.

So, a few words of advice

- As I got older, I found that I got more exposure to craft beers/microbrews/belgians/etc. In college, it wasn't a big deal to have a night of 12 beers, but usually they were light -- ie, 3.5% ABV over 144oz. That's only 5oz of alcohol. Compare that to an evening of drinking 6 Arrogant Bastard pints - 7.5% ABV over 96oz = 7.2 oz of alcohol! I thought my tolerance was going down, or that something was wrong with me, but as it turned out, I was drinking much much stronger beer and wasn't accounting for it.

- Having anxiety, panic attacks, etc., ends up changing the amount of time you spend hanging out with friends -- you end up going out less. Over time, this ends up reducing your alcohol tolerance. Going from a very active social life to a less active social life will end up making you more sensitive to lesser amounts of alcohol. Don't assume you're going to be able to do what you used to do if you're drinking less. (And don't let it stop you from going out completely - it's just going to make you worse in the long run)

- Eat a lot during the day. You can keep better pace with a full stomach.

- Never have that last beer! When you have an anxiety condition, letting yourself get completely wasted ends up having much more deleterious effects than when you're of sound mind. You can still have a good time without overdoing it. You might still feel a little bit off, but it won't be as bad as if you're hammered out of your mind.

- A friend of mine used the "one drink per establishment" rule. He'd have one drink at each bar, but never more. This generally allowed him to keep a good buzz without getting past the point of no return.

Above all else, read something like "Hope and Help For Your Nerves" by Claire Weekes. It'll help you understand what's going on with you.

Good luck,

11-24-2007, 09:47 AM
i have the same problem when i have a bad hangover i get super bad panic attacks but ive connected it as being the same when i smoke some nugz my hangovers make me feel out of it just like smokin and i have panic attacks from both.it was actually a hangover panic that put me in the hospital thinkin that i was having a heart attack best thing to do is drink lots of water and gatorade after drinkin to kill the hangover!!

11-26-2007, 02:53 PM
Man i wish there was some more information on this topic. I haven't had a drink in about 6 months b/c its just a disaster the next day if i do. Even when i drink i sometimes have bad anxiety. Being in college this has definetly hurt my social life but being cured of my anxiety is my top priority right now. Since ive gotten alot better im starting to want to drink again. Not much just enough to be social. Looks like some of you have had success, ill have to try out the eating protein before and after. Also just drinking hard liquor or low carb beer. If anyones had any other success let me know... gotta figure something out, i turn 21 on jan 12. It'll be hard to say no that day :)

07-09-2008, 07:36 AM
yea i copped this all the time

i used to beable to go out teh friday nite and sat

now its only the friday nite i go out. or sat vice verse

07-10-2008, 12:42 PM
I think that alcohol is a stimulant for anxiety since it impaires your amydgla. The way to have a night where you can enjoy a few drinks wihout worrying about getting anxous is taking care of the root problem which is anxiety!!!

07-13-2008, 09:12 AM
Drinking definitely screws with my anxiety. I still drink on the weekends even though I know Monday-Wednesday will be pure hell. It's tough to drink socially when you have anxiety. I got myself in a heap of trouble because of it since its much easier to keep drinking and suppress the anxiety rather than sober up and face it. Fortunately, I quit drinking after 2 trips to detox (ended up quitting on my own) but my anxiety has been way worse since then.