View Full Version : In pain

08-10-2013, 04:22 PM
Cant sleep in so much pain and anxiety is running away with my thorts :( x

08-10-2013, 04:24 PM
What kind of pain? I'm sorry to hear this :(

08-10-2013, 04:28 PM
Cant sleep in so much pain and anxiety is running away with my thorts :( x

Like aching pain down right side had a reali stressful day which i dont think has help, but with my anxiety im thinking im gna die so im panicing x

08-10-2013, 04:31 PM
Every mornign when you wake up you should hopefully start to piece together bit by bit that the aches and pains no matter how bad can't kill you. They're your body showing you "hey this anxiety is stressing me out" it's alerting you to the fact it wants to recover by unwinding and reducing stress. Adding secondary worries and stresses onto an overstressed body makes the aches and pains so much worse.
BUt the key is that worrying doesn't do anything positive to the pains does it? Fighting it doesnt either right? So let the pains come and go. Just practicde again and again to remind yourself it can't ill you, there is no illness or cancer or disease or heart condition. It's your body aching from anxiety and stress. It can't hurt you other than make you ache.

It takes practice but in time you learn to piece together that it is just anixety and the fear of death will gradually subside.


08-10-2013, 04:38 PM
Every mornign when you wake up you should hopefully start to piece together bit by bit that the aches and pains no matter how bad can't kill you. They're your body showing you "hey this anxiety is stressing me out" it's alerting you to the fact it wants to recover by unwinding and reducing stress. Adding secondary worries and stresses onto an overstressed body makes the aches and pains so much worse.
BUt the key is that worrying doesn't do anything positive to the pains does it? Fighting it doesnt either right? So let the pains come and go. Just practicde again and again to remind yourself it can't ill you, there is no illness or cancer or disease or heart condition. It's your body aching from anxiety and stress. It can't hurt you other than make you ache.

It takes practice but in time you learn to piece together that it is just anixety and the fear of death will gradually subside.


Thanks hun :)

08-10-2013, 05:02 PM
I understand what your going through. I have had this terrible pain under my left breast, ribs, and shoulders all day and it's bugging the mess out of me!! Ed is right though, we have to just tell ourselves it's nothing and to relax. I even try to tell myself, what if it is something serious? There's nothing I can do about it...enjoy each day as it is given to you. Hope you feel better soon :)