View Full Version : I haven't seen any threads about this feeling yet

08-10-2013, 04:14 PM
Sometimes I feel like my clothing is to tight. Not like it doesnt fit me. like bra, tank top, or anything i may have in my bra lol like phone or whatever, it feels really bothersome or even at time painful. -i know its my anxiety that is making the pressure seem worse than it really is. Does anyone else expeirence this?

08-10-2013, 04:18 PM
My shirt against my neck, makes me anxious! Constantly pulling it away

08-10-2013, 04:22 PM
yeah okay, how do you get past it?

08-10-2013, 04:24 PM
yeah okay, how do you get past it?

Pull it away lol

08-10-2013, 04:25 PM
Hahaha goofy. lol - i mean do you eventually stop feeling it or is it constant?

08-10-2013, 04:27 PM
Hahaha goofy. lol - i mean do you eventually stop feeling it or is it constant?

It's not all the time, just when I'm not having a good anxiety day or night. But I do get past it :-)

08-10-2013, 04:28 PM
Hahaha goofy. lol - i mean do you eventually stop feeling it or is it constant?

I guess a bra would be more difficult to deal with. I can understand that

08-10-2013, 04:28 PM
Tight clothes and overthinking about it. Used to happen to me too. COuldnt' tell if my chest was tight or jsut my clothes. led to worry, constnatly thinking about it, vicious circle. Wound up even feeling like it when my duvet laid against my chesy.


08-10-2013, 04:32 PM
Ed explains it more intelligently than I :-)

08-10-2013, 04:33 PM
Thanks for responding you guys, its really becoming irritating - like i dread having to wear certain things or even use a bra extender to get less tension but that doesnt work for crap hahah and i so know what you mean raggamuffin - if i am laying down sometime my book or ipad on my chest or tummy feels like a 50 lbs weight of pressure. glad to know im not the only one bothered with this hahaha -

08-10-2013, 04:34 PM
Full of typos though, my apologies. Thing is, with any ache or pain or symptom when you fixate on it all previous pains and symptoms tend to disappear. Then what? Something new comes along "Oh no" more panic, and then what? suddenly say you have stomach aches and now the tight chest has gone. Sometimes you even notice and say "hey the tight chest has gone" sometimes it'll come back then and there, sometimes it won't.

But all these pains coming and going these are all proof it's anxiety and nothing sinister like an underlying health condition that the majority of us fret and worry about.


08-10-2013, 04:35 PM
Ed explains it more intelligently than I :-)

so funny, - you made me laugh though, - you both are awesome for responding

08-10-2013, 04:36 PM
Thanks for responding you guys, its really becoming irritating - like i dread having to wear certain things or even use a bra extender to get less tension but that doesnt work for crap hahah and i so know what you mean raggamuffin - if i am laying down sometime my book or ipad on my chest or tummy feels like a 50 lbs weight of pressure. glad to know im not the only one bothered with this hahaha -

My cat laying on me, especially when she purrs does it to me to, the vibration will make me a little anxious. Maybe try a looser fit :-) take care

08-10-2013, 04:42 PM
yes, i have learned so much on this forum about the disorder. I guess I just didnt realize how much can affect you once you start feeling so many things all the time, I try to remember when I didnt feel so out of control, and I cant find it. I know that I haven't always had such anxiety and panic, but remembering how I felt then is not happening. Maybe i think by finding that feeling of nothing is wrong ill be cured lol, but how can you remember a feeling you never focused on before haha. SICK CYCLE OF ANXIETY AHhhhh

08-10-2013, 04:43 PM
My cat laying on me, especially when she purrs does it to me to, the vibration will make me a little anxious. Maybe try a looser fit :-) take care

Looser fit has been tried, and has failed haha. Thanks for chatting, you take care as well.