View Full Version : Does this forum really help us?

08-10-2013, 02:18 PM
Can everyone please put comments in below to whether you think this forum helps your anxiety? It feeds it ?

08-10-2013, 02:23 PM
I think it can help if the stories are positive but bed bad if there's a lot of negative specially if u suffer anxiety nd depression

08-10-2013, 02:24 PM
I think for me both... When I share and people can relate or give me good advice I feel good. But when people have a symptom that I don't or I have a symptom that they don't or we have the same symptom but not the same way it worries me

08-10-2013, 02:25 PM
Bit of a random post I know but I'm not sure to whether this is feeding my anxiety... It does give me a quick short term fix as when I have a pain or attack ill post on here or reassurance but doesn't help last long term. My therapist said this is great this forum for support but she said it can become an OCD and we can get fixed on things like these. Hmmmm I'm not sure would like to know everyone's opinions :) thanks guys

08-10-2013, 02:28 PM
I agree with the OCD part definitely and yes it seems a lot including myself come for reassurance

08-10-2013, 02:28 PM
It's fifty fifty. Sometimes I won't visit

08-10-2013, 02:37 PM
I think we all come on here for support from others and its comforting to know we aren't the only suffers, but maybe there needs to be a but more positivity on here so everyday even if I'm having a real shitty day I'm going to come on here and write a positive about my day because surely there will be something even if it was I smiled at a stranger or I gave my son a cuddle its positive and not something negative! I myself come on here for reassurance it's hard not to and I write loads on here lately about my symptoms.

08-10-2013, 03:08 PM
I came here wanting to connect to someone with a like fear, and see how people get through irrational fears. Support. I've noticed sometimes the negative posts. It's hard when scared!

08-10-2013, 03:11 PM
So far it has been helpful - for being able to confirm a symptom, and release the panic or pre-panic. I have found myself on here for hours reading everything or writing, and other than not getting respones lol, from what i've taken in here, I see progress in how i react. I may not have similar concerns or fears as others, but it helps me recongnize what can happen and what I am going through.

08-10-2013, 03:27 PM
I think this forum is a great source to see that your not alone in this fight. Many people that struggle with anxiety and depression feel so alone, like they are outcasts. This site helped me to see just how many people are struggling just like me. It helps to see other people complain about the crazy symptoms so I know that it isn't all in my head. There is a lot of useful information on this site and some good success stories. It is a great place to just come and vent when you can't talk to anyone else.

The bad part about this site is it causes people to have even more health anxiety. If someone makes a post about a particular issue they've been diagnosed with, others think "could I have that too?" When my anxiety was at its worse I would purposely not click on some posts. So I think people need to be wary of that and realize that this site does not offer professional information. Just because someone tells you they know something doesn't mean they are right. You should always do your research when it comes to anything health related. But most importantly you need to realize they vast amount of horribly strange symptoms anxiety can cause. I have thought there was something seriously wrong with me so many times its ridiculous. Over the years of overcoming and healing my anxiety (for the most part). These symptoms have gone away. All medical tests for anything serious have come up negative.

I would encourage everyone to use this site wisely. ALWAYS be looking forward and trying new things and working on a solution. You anxiety will probably not get better by you hiding in your house for weeks. Take time to rest, to heal, to baby yourself; but also work on getting better, moving out of your comfort zone, trying new solutions, and always knowing that ONE DAY you will beat this. Anxiety is a 100% curable, treatable, and manageable disorder.