View Full Version : Dizzy

10-22-2007, 06:24 AM
I have felt dizzy and off balance when I walk for several weeks. Now I get real dizzy turning over in bed - not vertigo but extremely dizzy.

Is this common with anxiety?

10-22-2007, 12:07 PM

I too have felt the same sensations for the past month to a month and a half now. I can't help but to think that there's another underlying problem because I've never had these symptoms with anxiety before. I've been on Paxil for about 4 years now. Doc told me to double my dosage to see if that helps.

Just to touch base though. I feel the diziness when I walk and sometimes randomly throughout the day. I feel it right now as a matter of fact. That's how I found this discussion forum.

I haven't had any anxiety problems since I started taking my medication but, they're back. At least, I hope it's only anxiety and nothing else.

Let me know if you need any help. Take care.

10-22-2007, 12:08 PM
I forgot to mention. I usually never have any symptoms of dizziness in the evening. It's wierd.

10-22-2007, 04:32 PM
Hi mate, I have yet to be diagnosed with anxiety but I do believe I might be suffering from it....I know I should see a doc just been very busy.

My main complaint is dizziness, this is at it's worse when walking for some reason....also I am never dizzy in late afternoon/evening. Just when walking and at random points during the day....really trying to work out what triggers it but so far no luck....I thought it might be food and sugar issues but found no link there.

All i know is that when I am doing things I love like driving or at a gig I don't feel dizzy....I am a big thinker and have always been a bit reserved....could I have anxiety....who knows!!

I also only get dizzy when at work on a PC but never at home....any thoughts?

10-22-2007, 06:12 PM
Is it real dizziness or just a perception of dizziness?

It is very common to feel detached from your surroundings at times of anxiety but you should still be able to walk in a straight line or place your finger on the end of your nose with your eyes shut. Things you wouldn't be able to do if you were really dizzy.

The brain does naturally "numb" the senses a little in response to trauma. I think it is more likely to be this than any blood-sugar problem.


10-22-2007, 06:17 PM
It's a good feeling to know that other people can relate. I understand exactly what you're talking about Piero. I just haven't been able to figure out why the symptoms deteriorate during the evening hours?? It's early morning that's the worst and then off and on throughout the day. I don't talk about it much with other people because they'd think I was crazy.

I've been to the doctor's office about 3 times since the dizziness started. They've done the blood work, ekg, listened to my carotids and so on. I had two bags of saline pumped into me. Nothing has worked. I'll be going for a follow-up on the morning of the 24th and see where we go from here. Need to rule out the possibility of any medical issues first. :)

10-22-2007, 06:36 PM
I experience dizziness as well. Back in 2005, before I knew what anxiety does to the body, I thought I had a brain tumor. I couldn't even keep solid food down. I went to the doctor, had blood tests, pulmonary tests, and vision tests. Everything was normal. My heart was racing, or so I thought, because when we experience anxiety, our sympathetic nervous system overrides the parasympathetic nervous system. In short, it means you are more aware of breathing, your heart pumping and experiencing dizziness. Normally we don't experience these functions of the body, and we get further agitated by these symptoms. Most people experience symptoms during the day, and they slowly taper off in the evening, only to return the next morning. If your doctor finds nothing wrong with you, see a therapist. Sometimes just talking about what you are experiencing gets a load off, and you may suddenly feel better. Just don't be surprised when the symptoms return. It took me 1 1/2 years to overcome the dizziness, and now and again it returns when I am anxious. Just go about your life as normal, occupy yourself with activities, and remember there are millions dealing with this problem, and that you aren't alone.