View Full Version : Vitamin b complex

08-09-2013, 09:43 PM
Does this seem to increase anyones anxiety. I have taken for a week and my anxiety seems to increase.

08-09-2013, 09:56 PM
I think maybe because it gives you energy and I not used to that!

08-10-2013, 01:56 AM
Yes it did the same for me.

08-10-2013, 02:05 AM
Yes it did the same for me.

Do you take it still?

08-10-2013, 02:34 AM
Hi.i just read your post about vitamins.i was a doctors on Friday because I was tired and had no energy. I asked if there was anything I could take ie vitamins. He said no as all my bloods had came back normal. My body didn't need any.my point being if you're body doesn't need vitamins don't take them unless told by your doctor.

08-10-2013, 11:25 AM
Do you take it still?

Not at the moment. It all effects people differently. Some b-vitamins are crucial to your health. A blood test showed I was very low in b12 so I took megadoses for some time. Those made me feel much better. When I took a b complex it seemed to make my anxiety worse. Im not sure though I only tried it briefly it could have been something else.

08-10-2013, 11:34 AM
Hi.i just read your post about vitamins.i was a doctors on Friday because I was tired and had no energy. I asked if there was anything I could take ie vitamins. He said no as all my bloods had came back normal. My body didn't need any.my point being if you're body doesn't need vitamins don't take them unless told by your doctor.

Sadly most doctors know nothing about vitamins. I have had a vitamin b12 and vitamin d both come back extremely low and they told me not to worry about it. Upon further research and finding a new doctor I learned just how wrong they were. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, ect are the building blocks of processes in our bodies. When levels get low things can go very wrong. Doctors tend to shrug off vitamins and supplements but its only because most don't learn about it in Med School. Our bodies were created to run perfectly without synthetic drugs. Foods would supply us with what our body needs to run properly (Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids). Because of our poor diets and poor food quality these days we aren't getting what we need. That combined with the immense daily stresses we face cause deletion of these essential things.

That being said, some (few), doctors are educated on this subject and can give good advice. They are needed to do blood tests to see if your levels are low. Yes some vitamins you should not take unless you need them. Many you can take with no worries of overdose. The b vitamins are water soluble so your body takes what it needs and pees out the rest. Vitamin D on the other hand is fat soluble. Taking too much for too long can cause symptoms. BUT Vitamin D is low in almost most the population, including myself. I am out in the sun a lot so I was shocked when I tested low. Vitamin D supplements have really made me feel much better as well as the b12. Another great mineral for anxiety is magnesium. You can't really take too much. If you do it will get your bowels moving if you know what I mean.

All natural is the way to true healing and recovery. I am not against meds if you need them but I feel as they are more of a bandaid while supplements are a long term fix.

Just my two cents. More like 10 cents I guess. :)

08-10-2013, 01:14 PM
Nf1234 my boyfriend takes 5-htp which are 100mg 25mg of that is magnesium would it be ok to add more magnesium to his dosage to see if this helps his anxiety? I just don't want to add more if it could do damage and not really sure what an ok dose would be.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

08-10-2013, 01:48 PM
I don't know if it gave me anxiety but just to be sure I decided to stop taking it. I'm not sure if it has made a lot of difference but I've started feeling better.

08-10-2013, 03:19 PM
Nf1234 my boyfriend takes 5-htp which are 100mg 25mg of that is magnesium would it be ok to add more magnesium to his dosage to see if this helps his anxiety? I just don't want to add more if it could do damage and not really sure what an ok dose would be.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Yes that would be totally fine. The RDA for Magnesium is 400mg so 25mg is basically nothing. I know people who take up to 1000mg a day. If you take to much it will get your bowels moving and thats it. BUT you need to take a good form of magnesium. Many mag supplements are magnesium oxide which is junk. Your body barely absorbs it. Some better forms are Magnesium Citrate, Malate, Glycinate, or Taurate. If your going to shoot for the RDA of 400mg I would split it into two doses. Many people take it before bed to help them sleep. My favorite product is called Natural Calm. It is powdered magnesium that you mix with warm water to make a soothing drink. Look at the reviews on Amazon, people love it! I would highly suggest adding magnesium into anyones diet, especially anxiety sufferers. Hope that helps!

08-11-2013, 04:19 AM
Thanks so much its a great help I was just unsure with dosages but will give it a go :) xx

08-11-2013, 11:15 AM
Thanks so much its a great help I was just unsure with dosages but will give it a go :) xx

Goodluck! Keep us updated :)