View Full Version : should I go on vacation?

08-09-2013, 06:45 PM
I have a panic disorder and it's tough for me to go on highways or bridges and to go far distances from home....I just met this guy last month and he's awesome. So far I've gone over the bridge with him to meet his friends. He's super understanding and helped me a lot and after a lot of worrying about actually going over the bridge, I did great. Now he's invited me to go on vacation with him and his family (who I've met) at his Aunt and Uncles house in Delaware (who I've not met). It's over a 4 hour drive and I'd have to stay there from Thurs- Tues at a house with people I don't know (besides him, his mom and dad). I'm already starting to get worked up about it and I haven't even told him if I'm definitely going yet. I'm just worried that I'm going to get there, be anxious or have a panic attack and want to come home. I really don't wan to disappoint him either. What should I do?

08-09-2013, 10:21 PM

I would recommend that if you trust him enough then go to the vacation. It always seems worse in our minds than it really is. Try thinking positively about it fight the negative thoughts with positive ones.

Try reasoning with your mind. I went for a vacation in Asia from UK i felt nervous at first when i got there it was really nice and enjoyed it a lot. Hope this helps im blabbering now i will stop lol.

08-09-2013, 10:24 PM

I would recommend that if you trust him enough then go to the vacation. It always seems worse in our minds than it really is. Try thinking positively about it fight the negative thoughts with positive ones.

Try reasoning with your mind. I went for a vacation in Asia from UK i felt nervous at first when i got there it was really nice and enjoyed it a lot. Hope this helps im blabbering now i will stop lol.

You're not blabbering =) Thanks for your response! You're right it really does always seem worse than it really is!

08-10-2013, 05:15 AM
Once you are there, you will enjoy yourself and be so happy you went. I'm the same way when it comes to flying.....I hate to fly, but I make myself get on the plane. Once I'm there....I have a blast, and somehow I seem to tolerate the ride home a little better.

08-10-2013, 09:45 PM
Trust me, you'll regret not going if you let the anxiety demons take control. I've missed out on some crazy awesome things because of anxiety, and times when I thought going somewhere would be anxiety hell, I've had none whatsoever.

08-11-2013, 03:48 AM
I would Definitely go,I missed out on one of the most amazing weekends because I let my anxiety take over and since then I thought never again is it going to do that to me,yes I do get panic attacks when I go places but they go as
I say to myself bring it on panic do your worst,as even tho it's hard you can't let it take over as if you let it not only will you miss out on so many Unbelievable things but you will also regret not doing them,I know it's hard and I'm not saying it's easy At all but just think about it :)

08-11-2013, 05:21 AM
I would say to go ....I suffer from panic disorder aswel and find it hard leaving far from my house , my car , a safe place etc

But When I do go places I also think to myself " I do have an escape " I kan Leave at anytime I want to , no-one can physically stop me , there are taxis that can take me home " however much it costs " .... And this helps me feel less trapped anywhere if I dnt feel well .......

08-11-2013, 06:51 AM
I would say go too! I know how hard it can be with anxiety like mentioned above it always seems worse then it is until you start to experience and enjoy it. Over thinking is a killer! I am trying to get myself to get on a plane and it feels like I'm going to die if I do! it's horrible.