View Full Version : Sleeping Problem , Anxiety or Heart?

08-09-2013, 04:08 PM
Hello :)

I am 22 years old, male. Have sufferd from GAD, Health Anxiety and Panic in the past

I am having difficulty sleeping. I have had this on and off since i was 17. The Problem is I am Very Very Very Very tired in bed i want to sleep reeeaaaally badly, but every time i close my eyes and i am about to drift of, I am jolted / shocked awake with chest discomfort, fast heartbeat. Its Like an Adrenaline Rush. Feel Discomfort in stomach area to. Hard to describe the feeling.

When this problem first happen it lead me to believe that there was something wrong with my heart. Which was causing more anxiety. I had these tests done Recently, ECG's 2x, which was Normal and Blood Test (Everything on it was Normal) Normal Cholesterol, thyroid normal etc.

*I noticed what triggers this problem is when i get 2 or less hours of sleep the night before+having an active day that day <- This causes my symptoms. So could it be i am overtired or suffering from fatigue or something? Last few weeks i have been fine. Sleeping well, also because I never get these symptoms so can i rule out any heart condition? Whats Wrong with me? :(
