View Full Version : What makes you happy?

08-09-2013, 03:43 PM
So, I've noticed that we're all full of negativity at the moment, and with good reason. I thought it might be good to talk about the GOOD things going on in our lives at the moment, and the things we are thankful for :)

For me, my daughter is my shining light. She is 2 and has enough energy for the both of us *^_^* she makes me smile and laugh like nobody else can and is in perfect health. Very thankful for that :)

My family are a never ending source of support that I couldn't live without. Even though they don't understand what goes on in my head, they try to... and thats enough :)

My boyfriend is the one thing that I had been missing. I have had three long term relationships before now, but he is unlike anyone I've ever known. I always heard stories about people finding their "other half" and he really is mine. He saw "anxious Lou" for the first time last weekend, and I couldn't have imagined a better person to have with me during the biggest panic attack of my life. I went and sat on his bed, barely able to breathe and he came in with a glass of ice water, turned all the lights off and sat behind me, his face buried in the side of my neck and his arms around my waist and got me to breathe slowly with him until it passed and I fell asleep. He then tucked me in and laid with me until morning.

My best friend suffers with mild anxiety and she is always there to lend a sympathetic ear. She can be judgmental at times, but for the most part is an absolute gem.

Most people seem confused and a little scared by anxiety, but it's the people who actually care about you that we should take time to remember we have.

Try to remind yourself every day that you are still here, still breathing, still an important part of many peoples lives.

Chin up, lovelies. <3

08-09-2013, 04:06 PM
Great thread, Lou! Focusing your energy on positive things is really important!

My five year old daughter is absolutely wonderful...starting Kindergarten in a couple of weeks (ahh!)...smart, funny, talented, and sweet...I couldn't have asked for better, and I'm so lucky and thankful to have her, and it makes me happy to see her thrive even though her Dad isn't around because it scares me to no end that she will grow up resenting me for it, and having it cause her distress...but when I look at her I can see that she will be fine.

My Mom is my rock, and it's just us after my Dad passed away in 2007 and I don't know what I would do without her! She has helped me so much going through this anxiety. My brothers are far away from me but I am in the beginning stages of moving closer to that part of my family sometime next year and I have a very positive outlook on having the chance to nourish those bonds since I didn't grow up with my siblings.

And in specific regard to the direct question you posed, what makes me happy? BON JOVI! As ridiculous as that sounds, music really is that important to me, and particularly their music, which has gotten me through everything in my young adult and adult life. All I have to do is put on some headphones, or turn the music up in the car, and it can turn my mood very quickly, not to mention help me relax and refocus more than almost anything else.

08-09-2013, 04:44 PM

Another single mummy I see :) we're stronger than we give ourselves credit for! :) it takes a badass mama to be a dad, too. Be proud!

And music is a great healer :)