View Full Version : DRIVING

10-21-2007, 11:06 PM
Does anyone else have extreme anxiety when they drive? I used to be OK with driving, and actually sometimes enjoyed it, but lately I have become almost paralyzed by the thought of doing it. There are just so many things that could happen to me while driving that it almost makes me insane. I constantly worry about hitting a pedestrian or accidently killing someone. OR I worry about someone killing me, which would not be that far fetched considering how lousy people drive these days. There are just so many catastrophes waiting to happen when we drive. I guess that is the nature of the beast, and I should just accept this, but I am getting to the point where I just want to get rid of my car and take the bus!

10-23-2007, 08:04 PM
yeah driving unfortunately has turned into one of my true phobias. for me it started when i crashed my brand new car (and my first car) 5 months after buying it. granted i was going 15 mph when it happened, but it was badly damaged and i had people in the car, so i did have a traumatic event. i was trying to swat a wasp away from my face. that was 2 years ago, and while the car is fine, my 2 other passengers are fine, i've never been as comfortable behind the wheel. i avoid driving during the work week. so that leaves me with saturdays and sundays, which are manageable...sometimes. other times i turn around and just sit at home instead of running that errand.

i don't think we should accept it as the only way to be. my favorite thing to think about when i'm driving is cab drivers and how relaxed they are driving around all day. but it's one thing to think about that, and another thing to gain confidence and function behind the wheel again.

10-23-2007, 09:50 PM
I'm 19..Still no car. I am afraid of driving myself. I've managed to get away with not having one for some time now. I make it seem as if I'm not afraid to my friends and family because..they wouldn't understand. and plus, nothing they say or do would probably help anyway.

10-23-2007, 10:13 PM
I just wanted to say thanks to both of you for replying. Sometimes I think I am the only one that is afraid to drive. AUserName, if people give you crap about not having a car, tell them that you are trying to be more eco-friendly. Just think about how much less polution there would be if everyone carpooled or took public transportation. I don't know if your friends or family would understand or believe you, but it's worth a shot. Not to mention the fact that cars are so expensive: You have to worry about monthly payments, car insurance, gas, and maintenance. I think I spend about $400.00 per month just on my stupid car. It would cost $50.00 per month to take the bus, so not only would my anxiety go down, but I would also be saving about $350.00. Frogger, I am sorry to hear that you wrecked your brand new car. I was rear-ended in April, and the woman that hit me was only going about 10 MPH, but it felt horrible. It really didn't do that much damage to my car, but her fender was bulging out on both sides, and it broke the grill on her car. So, at 15 MPH I can imagine how horrible it felt, and how much damage it must have done. They definitely don't make cars out of steel like they used to. Well maybe our anxiety about driving will get better as time passes, but until then, I am trading in my car and riding the bus.

10-23-2007, 11:47 PM
I need to commute everyday, about seventy miles. I have to admit I'm terrified that my car will break down. I feel okay when I'm driving, like I have some control or a barrier against me. But, I'm terrified that I'll lose a tire again this winter.

Last March I was driving on the highway and I hit some metal from a car wreck, my tire pretty much exploded from the sudden force insertion. It was in heavy traffic and I had to merge across several lanes of traffic with my disabled car, until I could reach the shoulder, into a snow bank. Terrible day! :| Now every time I feel like my tires are low or my car is leaning to one side , I feel heart palpitation and real fear. I think I would feel a lot more empower if I knew how to change my tires or a bit more about cars. I have an injury and it makes it hard for me to do physical things. hrm

10-24-2007, 11:23 AM
I used to have a SEVERE fear of driving and it kept me all but housebound.

I highly recommend the program at http://www.drivingfear.com

I haven't had a panic attack while driving in over 6 years using the techniques in the program.

It a very common fear, so you're by no means alone and you can totally overcome it.

10-24-2007, 08:07 PM
For me, driving is a 50/50. I can get excited sometimes, especially when I'm in a rural area. I'll worry about what would happen if I needed help because nobody is around. At the same time, the car has also made me more comfortable when I think of it as a means to get somewhere fast if the need arises. I guess it just depends on the mood I'm in and what the situation is. Hope that makes sense. If I do feel an attack coming on, I'll jump on the cell phone with my wife or a good friend and that REALLY helps me out a lot. I have pulled in to gas stations before and parked off to the side until I've calmed down a bit.