View Full Version : Quick Question

08-09-2013, 10:56 AM
Noticed soemthing today. Where the adams apple is below that is that dip in your neck just above the centre of your collar bone. Below and to the left and right are two protruding bones. The edge of the collar bones I beloeve. If I tug on the skin pulling it downward I notice a lump appear slap bang in the middle of these 2 protrusions.

Is this the same with everyone? Sounds silly I know but I noticed it earlier and it unnerved me. The fact it's dead in the centre means it's no doubt nothing to worry aboot,



08-10-2013, 04:25 PM
Bumping this. Sorry, probably a piointless question but it'd give me peace of mind.


08-10-2013, 04:46 PM
i wish i could help ... i have no idea but it could just be your bone structure.

08-10-2013, 04:55 PM
I'm almost positive the fact it's slap bang in the centre of the 2 bones that it's natural. Anyways i'm seeing the Dr next week anyway aboot an ingrown toenail (lovely stuff I know) so i'll reveal the bump so to speak and no doubt be told it's something with a long winded name that i'll forget after 10 minutes anyway.


08-10-2013, 05:01 PM
Haha yeah, it will be fine. - if you want a laugh - Ive recently re-started school, and while struggling with these incidents, started during the hardest part of my course, which is THE CARDIOVASCULAR, LYMPHATIC AND IMMUNE SYSTEM hahahah - and alllll its conditions and concerns. * on top of having hypertension haha and anxiety about the hypertension - talk about Having to battle through lol

08-10-2013, 05:06 PM
Mediecal degree or biology studies? It sounds a lot more like the former to me but i'm not a medical man. But the trips to hospitals and Dr's over the past few years has always made me admire people in medical careers. But eh, as much as i'd love a sudden and dramatic career change I know how I am when it comes to studying. Save all coursework and revision to the last minute and coast along on my arse like a dog dragging itself along a carpet.


08-10-2013, 05:24 PM
medical billing and insurance coding. I love it - and I love having so much to do, since a few months ago i was totally without anything going on besides my health issues hahah