View Full Version : Do I have bad anxiety? Do I need to seek help?

08-09-2013, 10:29 AM
Hello all,

I appreciate sites like this that reach out to people with anxiety. I've always known I've had some anxiety issues but I never did much about it. I never went to a doctor or was put on any meds. Usually I just delt with it.

Lately though it's been a lot harder to do. I started drinking this wonder tonic I purchased at the local farmers market and it helped my anxiety issues a lot. It was a combo of hibiscus, ginger, turmeric and raw honey. Oh man, did this make my days seem great. Coupled with green tea and I was never better. Granted the combo never took all my anxieties away but it helped keep them under wraps and I functioned at a higher level I ever did before.

The minute I stopped taking it though. The day I ran out, I noticed I was feeling really anxious and really weird. I felt detatched and in a mental fog. I couldn't get any real rest at night because I would fall asleep for an hour and then wake up from a vivid dream/nightmare. I would also have this impending sense of doom and strange thoughts. They weren't violent or evil thoughts, just really random weird rapid thoughts. At first I thought I was going nuts and I felt this way for about two more nights and throughout the day I felt mostly fine with the detachment subsiding.

It's been a week now and I feel fine, almost too fine. I am still anxious and I still cannot get more than five to six hours total rest but at least that crazy sense of doom and rapid fire strange thoughts are pretty much gone. I learned to cope with the anxity by just reminding myself I am OK, everything is fine, just go with the flow.

I do have tendencies to obsess. Like right now I am obsessing about which grad school to choose and I can sense the underlying stress about not having a concrete answer leaving me anxious, so that is the only thing bugging me now but I just want to know if anyone else has ever experienced something like what I described above?

I haven't drank any green tea except for a few sips of cups I made that I don't have the courage to gulp down. No alcohol, no tonic, nothing except fish oil and a multi-vitamin. I am not fatigued which I find a bit odd since I only get five to six hours of sleep a night and throughout the day I am fine, even feel normal with midle anxiety until night comes and I have to sleep. Then I dread falling asleep. It's as though my body won't let me. I only get rest when I sleep on my side and I calm myself down. Other than that, it's sleep for an hour, wake up, I feel a little anxious, a bit of a rapid heart, I drink some water calm myself down and go back to sleep for a good four or five hours and wake up rather fine. I can still sense that there is an underlying anxious feeling lurking underneath even when I am feeling fine throughout the day. It's just the nights I dread and when it all comes out.

Can someone explain to me if this is anxiety issues or not? A little help please?

08-09-2013, 10:42 AM
Yeah, that sounds like what I go through. Your anxiety will decrease, good to remind yourself that this is something millions of people have, and take it easy for a while.

08-09-2013, 10:52 AM
Yeah, that sounds like what I go through. Your anxiety will decrease, good to remind yourself that this is something millions of people have, and take it easy for a while.

Ok so people do go through this? It's a sad and comforting feeling to know that others are affected by anxiety like this.

Was I self medicating with the tonic and the green tea and experiecing withdrawls or something? Cus that was bad!

08-09-2013, 11:29 AM
Is there a way to cope without meds? Exercise, breathing techniques, natural remedies, diet, therapy?

08-09-2013, 11:45 AM
Read other threads in the forum...you'll find a ton of people going through the same things, as well as a ton of great suggestions, ideas and resources. I am personally managing my anxiety naturally at the moment. I was prescribed medications but was uncomfortable taking them in my situation, so I decided to try alternatives first. You kind of hit the nail on the head...exercise, breathing techniques, natural remedies, diet, therapy. I take some vitamin supplements along with having drastically changed my diet and started exercising on a daily basis (even if that just means taking a walk for twenty minutes or something light), and I do regular massages because I build a lot of tension in my neck that leads to debilitating tension headaches. Personally, therapy has been a bust for me so far but I'd be willing to try it again if I needed and could find someone I was comfortable with. You can look up a lot of breathing exercises and relaxation techniques on YouTube!

08-09-2013, 09:27 PM
Read other threads in the forum...you'll find a ton of people going through the same things, as well as a ton of great suggestions, ideas and resources. I am personally managing my anxiety naturally at the moment. I was prescribed medications but was uncomfortable taking them in my situation, so I decided to try alternatives first. You kind of hit the nail on the head...exercise, breathing techniques, natural remedies, diet, therapy. I take some vitamin supplements along with having drastically changed my diet and started exercising on a daily basis (even if that just means taking a walk for twenty minutes or something light), and I do regular massages because I build a lot of tension in my neck that leads to debilitating tension headaches. Personally, therapy has been a bust for me so far but I'd be willing to try it again if I needed and could find someone I was comfortable with. You can look up a lot of breathing exercises and relaxation techniques on YouTube!

Excellent I will try that. Anyone try probiotic supplements?

08-10-2013, 01:31 PM
Excellent I will try that. Anyone try probiotic supplements?

I take one...Acidophilus. I also take a Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin D, Fish Oil, and Magnesium.

08-10-2013, 02:12 PM
I take one...Acidophilus. I also take a Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin D, Fish Oil, and Magnesium.

Fish oil works wonders for me. I love it.

I will try the magnesium.

I think the only vice I still have is that I still drink green tea. For some reason it really helps me during the day but am wondering if it makes me symptoms worse when I don't have it.

Anyone recommend green tea?