View Full Version : Going crazy!!!

08-09-2013, 09:54 AM
Well tomorrow I am taking one of the biggest steps of my life so far. I am leaving my parents behind in Florida and moving to Connecticut. I have been so excited about going because CT is where I grew up and where I have always been comfortable. I have lived in fl for almost ten years but it has never felt like home. I am 26 and I know I should have left home a while ago but my anxiety kept me from many things. My mother has always been a big comfort for me and I am starting to feel conflicted about going even though i know it's probably the best thing for me. My mind won't stop racing!!!!

08-09-2013, 10:11 AM
Hi Craigie--I feel like I'm reading my own story a few months early. I'm 26, my Dad passed away in 2007 and my Mom moved in with me, so I've gotten very much accustomed and comfortable having her right there any time I need her, and she's very important to me, and my five year old daughter...but I'm in the initial stages of preparing to move across the country from New Mexico to New Jersey, which feels like home to me, to live near my brother. He is my half brother from my Dad's first marriage, and we didn't grow up together, but have a very close bond we've developed over the past few years and I feel like investing in that relationship is very important to me...he and my other half brother are really all that's left on that side of my family. I definitely have conflicted feelings about being so far away from my Mom, but I know in my heart that it's what I need to do. The thought of being away from my Mom is really the only thing that could potentially hold me back at the moment, but I keep telling myself that the regret of not trying could actually end up the worse thing, and also that nothing is permanent and can change if it doesn't turn out the way I hope. One of the first things I did was make a list of pros and cons...seeing how much the potential pros outweighed the potential cons was an eye opener for me. All the cons were things that are easily overcome, where as the pros aren't going to be found in my current situation/environment. Moving is rough no matter where you're going, when you're going, what you're leaving behind, or how much you want it to happen...focus on the positive things and know that if it doesn't turn out the way you hope you can always change it! Best of luck to you tomorrow...I hope everything goes smoothly and safely!

08-09-2013, 10:21 AM
Thank you so much for you're reply, it helped me a lot. I know i will feel better once I take this step, I can't let anxiety rule my world. Good luck in New Jersey :)