View Full Version : NEWBIE: WHAT TO DO !!!!

10-14-2005, 11:27 AM

This is my first time visiting this site , so I am a little nervous. I have anxiety / depression disorder . I have had most of my life but 3 years ago it hit me like a ton of bricks !! I am on medication and receive therapy. I am married and have 3 grown children. I also have a grandbabie and another on the way. I dont work anymore . Although I have been on medication for sometime and receive therapy I still go through hell at times. Like today and yesterday I feel down and very anxious !! I feel lost and scared . I hate this feeling and just want it to go away for once and for all. I have tried so very hard to do what I have to do in order to become healthy but it just keeps coming back to haunt me . Why ??? I try and stay positive but that does not always work . I am so sick and tired of having to go through this. If there is anyone who can give me some input PLEASE do so. :cry:

10-14-2005, 01:33 PM
Hi Laura, welcome to the board

From the people I've spoken to and things I've read, anxiety disorders can be with us through our whole life. Through hard work and determination it can be lessened dramatically and even 'gotten rid of', but this mental illness does tend to resurface later on, and even worsen at times.

If your current therapy is not working for you, its probably time to try something different. Maybe discuss different options with your Dr or psychiatrist, or switch to a different one if you feel they can't help you.

just my 2 cents :)

10-14-2005, 04:49 PM
Thank you so much for your input. I do trust my physchiatrist and family GP. I have been on 300mg of one antidepressent and 20 mg of another for quite some time now as well as sleep medication. I certainly am much better than when this all first started but am wondering if being overmedicated can cause symptons of aniexty etc. ? I have a friend who has scared the heck out of me when it comes to meds !! She has been on and off meds of this nature for over 20 years now. She is constantly telling me how Antidepressents etc. are so bad for you and how Drs. dont as much as we think they do, and they are all pill pushers, and how we get addicted to these meds especially benzodiazapines and that the meds. eventually stop working and we are left with no other alternative but hidious withdrawel symptons. I know I should listen to myself and my Drs. , but every chance she gets she is in my face about this. I guess now I am starting to beleive what she is saying may be true. I know that everyones body is different in some ways and tuly we are all unique but I dont know how to handle her at times and have to wonder wether this negativity is starting to sink in some where . I truly want to be healthy and so much to live for !!! I also realize that this illness I have may be forever but it is always nice to have a shoulder to lean on and to communicate with someone who may understand. If anyone can support me in this I would be so very grateful !
Thanks !!

10-17-2005, 07:15 AM
Hi there Laura and first off, Welcome!! I'm so glad you found this site. I certainly hope you keep coming back, you will find that there are others out there that feel like you do. I'm happy to see you here. :)

As for being scared about being on your meds, please talk to you Dr./Drs. about it before going off or changing the dosage. I wouldn't recommend that at all. There are many people out there that feel that we are over medicated and that we shouldn't take the drugs the drs. give us. But, they are not the ones with OUR problems! If they can make it without their meds, then more power to them, but some of us need them meds. So, please, talk it over with your dr. and see if maybe they can take one or two away and find some different ones that may do more for you than all of them. You never know. :) Hang in there, you have a lot of friends here that are willing to listen and help if we can.

Cath :)

11-22-2005, 08:17 AM
Hello Laura! Welcome to the forum!