View Full Version : Medication

08-08-2013, 06:46 PM
I'm brand new to anxiety, I've been sent to the ER twice and have almost 4-6 panic attacks a day that are so painful I've been brought to my knees. The doctors originally gave me Xanax, which only made me feel worse. Today they switched me to clonazePAM (.5mg). This medication completely blocked my ability to have the physical panic attack, although in my head I was aware my body "wanted" to have one. I'm so excited to push my limits now to see what I can do on these pills now, like workout again and go to places outside my immediate area. Meds actually do work :)

08-08-2013, 08:05 PM
Felt the same feeling with Xanax, felt it trying to happen but it wouldn't. Doesn't always work though. Hope yours does
For you

08-08-2013, 08:11 PM
Thank you, I'm excited to see the results over a longer period of time too. I'm getting the rest of my results tomorrow on my blood work and chest X-ray but I feel confident that these new pills will help me cope with the panic attack symptoms in the meantime

08-08-2013, 08:18 PM
Thank you, I'm excited to see the results over a longer period of time too. I'm getting the rest of my results tomorrow on my blood work and chest X-ray but I feel confident that these new pills will help me cope with the panic attack symptoms in the meantime

Your welcome. Good luck!

08-08-2013, 08:22 PM
Nows the time to work through your issues! Figure out what is triggering these panic attacks. Don't just rely on the meds because they will slowly lose effectiveness. Not trying to bring you down, but it is the truth. Your brain is doing this to spare you from thoughts you cannot process, but you will have to face them at some point. What started all this for you?

08-08-2013, 08:30 PM
My trigger is the attacks themselves... It started at the gym lifting one day and after the initial attack I was so worried of having another they just kept occurring. They last anywhere between 30m-45m, so I would prefer not to face them because the physical pain is extreme