08-08-2013, 05:32 PM
Hi everyone I'm Keira. I have suffered with really bad anxiety for the past year. Sometimes it doesn't bother me hardly then other times I can't even leave my bed because of it. It got to the point where in school I couldn't go into lessons with anybody and I was having to do all my lessons in a room by myself with a member of staff; I had to do my exams this way too. I got a job when my anxiety wasn't as bad but now my anxiety has really flared up again I am struggling to go. I have been having panic attacks before work for the past week, not being able to sleep knowing I have to go in and be around people. I am also starting college in September which I am excited about doing as I am doing something I really enjoy but the thought of going in and being around people who I have never met really scares me, I was to go to a course meeting a few weeks ago but I chickened out and rang up and cancelled and make an appointment for another day where I would be alone and there would be no other people. I am really scared about starting and I wondered if any of you had tips on how to handle this or just any tips in general on how I can control it as I have ended up in hospital with really bad panic attacks and I do have them on a regular basis now.