View Full Version : If you MUST consult Dr. Google...!

08-08-2013, 02:37 PM
Okay so, my biggest problem, and I'm sure this can be said for most of you... Is googling for reassurance.

We Google, not because we want to be told we have cancer, heart disease, or a DVT, but because we want to read stories of people who have had our symptoms and lived to tell the tale!

As we all know, this is never the case. Google is a bigger hypochondriac than all of us put together and instantly leads us to believe that we should make arrangements for our impending funeral.

I came up with a little solution, or at least one that I have found extremely helpful that I thought I should share.

If you MUST Google (although avoiding it and speaking to a doctor is obviously preferable!) make sure to include the word "anxiety" with your symptom.

For example; "chest pains anxiety."

Instead of being inundated with countless pages full of heart disease information or stories of people who have dropped dead, you will receive pages with people going through the exact same thing as you, explanations for why anxiety causes chest pains, helpful tips to ward them off, etc.

Doing this has saved me from several potential panic attacks. Please try it :)

I hope this helps somebody. x

08-08-2013, 02:50 PM
Okay so, my biggest problem, and I'm sure this can be said for most of you... Is googling for reassurance.

We Google, not because we want to be told we have cancer, heart disease, or a DVT, but because we want to read stories of people who have had our symptoms and lived to tell the tale!

As we all know, this is never the case. Google is a bigger hypochondriac than all of us put together and instantly leads us to believe that we should make arrangements for our impending funeral.

I came up with a little solution, or at least one that I have found extremely helpful that I thought I should share.

If you MUST Google (although avoiding it and speaking to a doctor is obviously preferable!) make sure to include the word "anxiety" with your symptom.

For example; "chest pains anxiety."

Instead of being inundated with countless pages full of heart disease information or stories of people who have dropped dead, you will receive pages with people going through the exact same thing as you, explanations for why anxiety causes chest pains, helpful tips to ward them off, etc.

Doing this has saved me from several potential panic attacks. Please try it :)

I hope this helps somebody. x

I rather not google..

08-08-2013, 02:53 PM
Yay! Haha :)

08-08-2013, 02:55 PM
Yay! Haha :)

So.. Are you gonna stop!?? Lol

08-08-2013, 02:56 PM
Oh my gosh this is me ... It got to the point I always consulting with doctor google.... It's not good and makes things so much worse... I've had disease I didn't even know that ever existed... I've decided to stop googling and I'm currently going through withdraw but I know I'm better off!

08-08-2013, 02:59 PM
I haven't googled for days, leet! (that sounds rude haha.)

And yeah, if I had every disease Dr. Google told me I had I would've been dead before I was even born haha. If he was a real doctor he would've been stricken off years ago!

08-08-2013, 03:03 PM
I haven't googled for days, leet! (that sounds rude haha.)

And yeah, if I had every disease Dr. Google told me I had I would've been dead before I was even born haha. If he was a real doctor he would've been stricken off years ago!

You rude girl lol jk

"I would've been dead before I was even born" lol that there made me crack up! haha

08-08-2013, 03:19 PM
hahahaha dr.google has probably diagnosed me with things that dont even exist hahah and yayyyy for not turning to dr.google either!! definitely a step in the right direction for us

08-08-2013, 08:39 PM
Shhhooottt it has my mom thinking I have everything lol so I'm like..okay lol now that I know its anxiety and she found this site for me lol she says its still my neuropathy lol funny dr google is a cold mofo

08-09-2013, 12:33 AM
Yes google is the worse and I have learnt to put anxiety in along with the symptom x

08-09-2013, 12:48 AM
Google is the devil

08-09-2013, 04:20 AM
I have to stop aswel... Haha, I'm addicted to googling, because I think I will feel better but I freak out even more. Thanks for the tip, and I'm gonna try!