View Full Version : Chest pains, chest pains, everywhere!

08-08-2013, 01:25 PM
Hello all!

I just wanted to draw everyone's attention to the vast amount of chest pain posts of late.

They are numerous and all replies are the same: "I get this too!"

We all need to take note. Chest pains are one of the most common side effects of anxiety! They can be caused by stress, indigestion, muscle tightness, acid reflux, heartburn, trapped gas, prolonged hyperventilation... the list is endless!

Please, everyone, this is entirely common and normal physical behaviour for people in our situation.

I myself had some sharp, stabbing chest pains this afternoon. I ate, burped and felt fine again.

If you have been tested and told that your heart is fine, relax...

Breathe, everyone. You're alright :)

08-08-2013, 01:34 PM
Thanks! This post really helped me. But when it comes on I know I wont feel fine... it comes on completely random... out of nowhere! even after no anxiety for weeks! The sensible part of me knows its not anything bad but when it happens the overwhelming sense of fear overtakes it..

08-08-2013, 02:22 PM
I know how hard it can be. I have days where I'll have a pain in my chest and think "ouch! That's some nasty gas pain!" and move on. Other days I'll turn into a puddle of jelly! It really does totally depend on the mood of the day.