View Full Version : Friends.

08-08-2013, 01:19 PM
At the moment, I feel like I dont have any friends, I don't know if its me or them?

I have no drive to like ask them to do things or go out with them, I dont know if this is me being weird? or just that I have out-grown them. I do attend university and I am home for summer so I hardly see them anyway.

Just seems to much drama and bitchyness going on sometimes I feel like i wana remove myself from them to like save my sanity haha!

What would everyone else do in this situation?

08-08-2013, 01:30 PM
I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from and I'm in the exact same place right now. Those kinds of "friendships" are draining after a while. I mean, I have "friends", but they are the sort of friends who are your friends only when it's convenient for them or not interfering with whatever they have going on, or because you have something to offer them...or only when they realize you're about to move on and can't stand to see someone doing anything "better" than what they are doing. And yet, when the fact that I am moving in about a year comes up, they act like it's the most devastating thing there is. As if. After months of going back and forth about moving because my "best" friend keeps trying to implant the notion that it's a bad idea, I finally decided that I can't use that as a gauge of whether or not it is worth doing...I have to follow my heart and my own gut feelings about my life and I can't let someone else's insecurities be my guide. Friendships go through change...sometimes letting go can be a positive thing. If you have a gut feeling that you've outgrown them, and that you want to take a step back for your own good, it's probably a good instinct to listen to, and it doesn't even have anything to do with whether or not they are good people. Sometimes you just have to move on to a new chapter in your life.

08-08-2013, 01:39 PM
Yeahhh, its such a tricky situation!

But sometimes I feel like they've been talking about me behind my back, about how I dont hang out with them anymore, One of them even called me a recluse, and its not that Im not doing other stuff and leaving the house to do my own thing! I feel like they're mad at me, and i've been through a tough time lately and i'm getting better at the moment and im enjoying my life at the moment ha!

08-08-2013, 01:51 PM
I'd say don't worry about them...let them think and say whatever they want and just focus on you! I mean, I know friends are important to all of us, but they aren't worth making yourself miserable or sick over...and it seems obvious that the situation is causing stress. Don't let it. Just take care of you.