View Full Version : Graves, Thyroid, Lyme, Anxiety or Stress?? Need help immediately :( Plzzzz Reply

08-08-2013, 12:50 PM
Hi, I've posted a few times on here before but lately I've been waking up super anxious. My heart isn't really racing. Checked my temp when I first woke up and it was 97.4. Now it's 98.6 - 99.1. Docs in the 50's said my mom had a thyroid issue and gave her meds but she stopped taking them because she didnt think she had a thyroid prob. shes now 60 and has no anxiety these days.

It started getting real bad when i got a ton of stressful news, irs audit, car accident, etc. Now I wake up trembling, dizzy, sometimes I have to hold the walls to walk around from anxiety. I cant go outside. I feel like I have depersonalization also, don't feel like Im real.

I'm scared to death to goto docs because of the bad experiences friends/family have with the docs in my area.

Does this sound like I am just super stressed and have bad anxiety? I feel like nothing relaxing me anymore. Not even TV or laying in a hammock. My favorite part of the day is going to bed because I dont panic laying down. I dont feel depressed just not myself. I just want to feel normal again. People with thyroid issues, is this how it started? i've always had panic attacks but not this bad. It's really affecting my relationship bad and making me even more anxious / afraid to go outside. I

08-08-2013, 01:01 PM
Also I did technically get blood work done 2 years ago when I had Kidney stones. They didnt really say anything, they thought I had either a high or low white blood count if i remember and gave me cipro but i never took it

08-08-2013, 01:04 PM
I have hypothyroid that fluctuates sporadically causing anxiety. Have you done blood work on your thyroid functions?

08-08-2013, 01:16 PM
No, have not, docs around here are really bad. My bro cut his finger and they stopped his heart with a nerve block by accident. Scared to death to goto the hospital. When did yours start affecting you? Was it all your life? Does it cause 24/7 anxiety / denationalization / dizziness / vertigo?

08-08-2013, 01:35 PM
Anyone have any ideas of what it might be? I'm hoping its just stress :(

08-08-2013, 01:44 PM
Mine started when I was 21. Under stress recently broke up with my fiance. I started having panic attachks. My legs would go numb, then my arms, I would start seeing black spots. I went to the ER a few times due to the panic. They didn't really help. My primary physician did thyroid lab and found out that I was very hypo. After medication I felt better and the attacks went away. The thing with anxiety is that to know for sure it is anxiety due to stress other causes need to be checked and ruled out. If you have a history of thyroid problems it my be good to do a lab for your TSH, T3 and T4 to find out your functions.

Because my thyroid is so eradic it surges hormones in my blood that cause my pulse to increase which is what I am mostly anxious is about my heart. I have learned through the last ten years that you need to listen to your body and be kind. How long have you had anxiety?

08-08-2013, 01:52 PM
Well my first attack was when I was 16. Never got one again until I was 20. Seems like it happens under stress. I got real sick 2 years ago with what we thought was food poisoning. Didnt leave the house for 2 months which made my anxiety worse. Finally went away. Last month I got a ton of crazy stress. Work slowed down, IRS wants to audit me for no reason, and some lady who hit my car is suing me. It all went down hill from there. I do get a numb feeling but i think its like denationalization, i dont feel like myself. What is the meds like for thyroid problems? I'm scared to even take an asprin.

08-08-2013, 01:54 PM
Also whats your temps like during the day? Did you have any swelling of your neck?

08-08-2013, 02:59 PM
My temp now is normal 98.6. I usually run in the 99's. I think if your temp is under 98 it could be thyroid related. There are many treatments for thyroid. In the US they mainly perscribe synthectic medication which replicates the thyroid hormone. I had a hard time adjusting to it and still do when they keep increasing my dosage! My neck dosen't feel swollen, but I do not like anything tight around it. Is there some where you can go just for labs? Where are you?

08-08-2013, 04:14 PM
not really. moved out to the country last year, dont know many people. Have 2 kids and wife doesn't want to go with me and i dont feel comfortable going alone to the doc. Dont want to wind up in a crazy house lol

08-08-2013, 06:36 PM
Hey! We've talked before site master but I can't message you cause your inbox is full. I strongly suggest seeing a doctor

08-08-2013, 08:13 PM
You won't end up in crazy house, I am pretty sure...here is quick test - if you think you are going crazy then surely you are not..it's just your mind playing tricks with you...I have been there and I used to think of all kind of disorders/diseases..I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and was prescribed Lexapro 10 mg. Over the period I managed to get rid of Lexapro completely (tapered down slowly over a few years).

I have been also doing breathing exercises and meditation. They help a lot...fastest way to calm your mind is deep (not over the capacity but not shallow), diaphragmatic breathing with no pause between exhalation and inhalation.

08-08-2013, 09:24 PM
Hehe sorry about that inbox is empty now. I know i need to see a doc, maybe next month. My moms going to come out for a visit, havent seen her in years. Might have her go with me. Its strange, I wake up and feel so crappy, shaky, but tonight i feel better. I started taking magnesium yesterday (just 200mg) and i do feel better at night. Not as panicky. The denationalization seems to be going away. I just got super worried because my mom having that when she was younger, but i dont have all the thyroid symptoms. My hair isnt falling out, nails are not crumbling, not moody, don't have buldging eyes (not sure if thats a hyperthyroidism or hypo symtom), and i dont have red itchy skin. I do feel nervous (symptom of hyperthyroidsim), hands are shaky(symptom of hyperthyroidsim), Lost weight (7lbs, but not eating as much as i normally do from anxiety)

my resting heart rate is around 80-84, it doesnt feel like its really racing.

It's so strange though its like im anxious but i dont feel the heart race feeling like i used to. A few days ago it was like i could not sit still or relax, my toes are still twitchy, last month my left eye was twitching for like 1.5 weeks.

It really started getting bad as soon as I was very stressed out. I work on the computer for like 10 hrs a day as my source of income (fix computers online for people) I dont know if it's stress related or something else but it was making me sick to my stomach to even think about work.

Another strange thing, around July 5th or so I felt really off balance, like intense waves of vertigo / nausea. I was holding the walls to walk around, i dont know if anxiety can do this, it hasn't been too bad, but if i get stressed i notice it a lot more. I did take 1/4 of it a few days ago and did feel less anxious (afriad to try a hole one haha) but I really do not want to get on benzo's, friend of mine had a horrible experience.

like i said though, i've always had anxiety and it does seem to appear when i am stressed, i went 3 years without it and could drink without crazy hangovers that feel like death.

I'm not sure if stress can cause all this or stress could cause an overactive thyroid or if I am just super worried and making myself anxious from the moment i wake up until 5-6pm at night. The 97.1 temp freaked me out this morning but now it shows 98.6, it's one of those cheapo walgreens $1 thermometers. Hopefully i'm just working myself up from stress.