View Full Version : Will I make it?

08-08-2013, 11:50 AM
Im still a teenager and have been diagnosed with health anxiety disorder.

Just wondering if anyone else gets random chest pains? Yesterday and today my chest has been getting really tight, achy and nasty pains in my chest.. they come on at random without any anxiety or shortness of breathe. Does anyone else get this?? Is it a heart issue?? Please answer. I really need reassurance!! I just cant stop crying and feel totally exhausted. Thank you!!

08-08-2013, 12:54 PM
Here's the thing. When you are anxious, you hold your body very rigid, clenching muscles. Later, after the adrenaline wears off, you relax, but now the. Muscles are all sprained and sore. So you have chest pain when you are not feeling anxiety.

08-08-2013, 01:12 PM
Im still a teenager and have been diagnosed with health anxiety disorder.

Just wondering if anyone else gets random chest pains? Yesterday and today my chest has been getting really tight, achy and nasty pains in my chest.. they come on at random without any anxiety or shortness of breathe. Does anyone else get this?? Is it a heart issue?? Please answer. I really need reassurance!! I just cant stop crying and feel totally exhausted. Thank you!!

I too get these pains. I didn't realize how common they were prior to coming here. Try muscle relaxation, this has you scan your body checking in to see where the tension is. The chest pain is scary, but seems very common for us.

08-08-2013, 01:31 PM
It comes on normally when I stand up... I feel I don't get enough air in! I keep feeling I should call an ambulance... but I really feel its anxety but there is an overwhelming sense of fear that its not... Thanks for answering me :)

08-08-2013, 02:24 PM
Tisdale, the only thing I can suggest that may help is a trip to the doctors. Explain what physical symptoms you have and do NOT mention that you think it's anxiety. When I have done this with a new

08-08-2013, 02:26 PM
Sorry! Pressed send by accident!

*when I have done this with a new doc it seems to be like a get out clause for them and they instantly pin it on stress.

Just explain the chest pains, feeling breathless etc and request that you're sent for tests. Exaggerate if you have to. An ECG and possibly a stress test will really help to put your mind at ease. When they come back perfectly normal you will more than likely find that they go away :)

08-08-2013, 02:28 PM
Also please bare in mind that chest pains and shortness of breath are also the main symptoms of GERD (Acid reflux) which is, more often than not, brought on by stress. I myself suffer with it and the chest pains and feeling out of breath can be really uncomfortable. I was put on something called Omeprazole and my symptoms are starting to improve, the breathlessness especially. :)