View Full Version : Really need help

08-08-2013, 11:03 AM
i was coming home from vacation and i was very nervous about the drive home.... during the start i had a little headache but i knew it was cause i was nervous... i then fell asleep.. when i woke up i felt very strange my one eye was blurry which concerned me .... i soon felt even weirder i kept looking at my hand cause it felt so strange and to me look weird i then got tunnel vision and felt like i was going to faint.... that lasted for maybe 2 seconds 4 at most and then i got very warm ... it started from the top of my head , when it passed my heart it started racing and went all the way down to my toes like a wave of heat... my feet were sweating this whole time... soon after this i got very cold and started almost shivering.... but i was hot to the touch....

i of course freaked out thinking the worst and when we got the rest stop i need to use the bathroom asap!

is this anxiety?!?!? PLEASE HELP

08-08-2013, 11:55 AM

Have you seen a doctor or been diagnosed with anxiety?

08-08-2013, 12:08 PM
Yes I've had almost every test done ct scan of head neck and chest chest X-ray 4 or 5 ekgs echocardiogram holiter monitor pulmonary function test ultrasound of neck been to the eye doc twice multiple blood work sonogram of gallbladder and pancris 2 pelvic sonograms

08-08-2013, 12:17 PM
Honestly, I constantly fear the worst with my anxiety! You have literally had ALL the tests so it will be your anxiety playing with your mind.. it tends to do that lot :/
You said you were nervous, nerves are always a big trigger for anxiety! I feel the same as you, really, it will be ok :) xx

08-08-2013, 12:24 PM
Thank you so much .... Your right of course I think I'm dying from a rare disease

08-08-2013, 12:25 PM
Yes! I also fear they have missed something in the tests... Today my chest pain has been on and off constantly.. do you get this?

08-08-2013, 12:39 PM
I usually get tightness in my chest and throat and i have has cheat pains before yes