View Full Version : Job Anxiety

10-18-2007, 04:10 PM
So, I want to get a new job. Today I applied for a position and had an interview. Everything went very well. During the whole process I didn't feel any anxiety present. Let me bring up, before this job that I'm seeking I've been out of work for a few months. Within the few months I've almost gotten myself into a routine. Meaning I wake up at basically the same time and go to bed at basically the same time. So now , I'm dreading starting this new job because it will break the mold of my daily routine that I've grown so accustomed to. I've suffered from anxiety for quite a while, but never over a job. Now I"m almost telling myself forget the job. It's just an overwhelming feeling of dreading the "change" that is about to take place in my life. So my question is, any you folks ever experience the same feeling? If so, how did you deal with it successfully? Thanks for your thoughts and advice.

10-24-2007, 10:00 PM
My advice is not to think of it as a change or something new. When you think like that you are only creating your own anxiety. People make their own anxiety so by thinking about having anxiety, you are only creating more anxiety.