View Full Version : I have been doing great for few weeks untill yesterday!;(

08-08-2013, 10:21 AM
I have been doing amazing. I went for a weekend away with my fiancé went to a hotel hung out next day went to eat went to a movie went to a Dallas game and didn't freak ( pats self on back ) yesterday I had to clean soo much and I could feel a headache coming on. That turned into a migraine and so I took half a norco since it helped last time .. Nope It got worse and I threw up five times. I had also had to take two birth control earlier because I missed a day. My anxiety made it worse .. I don't have time for throwing up as I have a two month old:( what do u think it is? I can feel it coming back and I just feel weird ever since I woke up

08-08-2013, 10:32 AM
I can kind of relate...I went out of town to visit my brother at the end of July and was there for 8 days or so and by the middle of the week my anxiety and related symptoms had gone away pretty much completely. Came home and was doing great and then about two nights ago it all hit me again. It's so frustrating because you think you're getting somewhere and then it feels like you've gone back way more than two steps and it seems like you just go round and round with it. I think part of it is that I have no way to escape the major sources of stress in my life right now...work being the primary one. I know things in my immediate environment need to change...I can feel that the change is necessary...but it's a slower process than I would like it to be!

08-08-2013, 10:43 AM
Same here. Did great for two weeks, then started worrying about the anxiety coming back. And of course it did, with all new and improved symptoms! Lol! I've tried everything, but I am just laughing at it now. It's so ridiculous. I'm a grown man freaking out about gas, folding towels and thunderstorms. Lol!

08-08-2013, 10:48 AM
Stress might have been doing it.. After that my mom and I got into a fight and I have been trying to move out ever since idk either its a stomach bug or my anxiety coming back in full force :(

08-08-2013, 10:48 AM
It is a bit humorous what our anxiety makes us fear.

08-08-2013, 10:51 AM
It is a bit humorous what our anxiety makes us fear.

Yes I thought I was literally dying of a brain aneurysm stroke or cancer.. Ugh I hate when this happens..

08-08-2013, 10:55 AM
Yes I thought I was literally dying of a brain aneurysm stroke or cancer.. Ugh I hate when this happens..

I do this all the time. I've gotten headaches all my life...never worried about them before...then I started having anxiety and any little pain or twinge in my head or headache becomes a brain aneurysm or a tumor or something, just like you said. It's a little ridiculous. I'm had blood work done three times, been to the ER, seen two doctors, an audiologist, had an EKG, neck x-rays (because of tension headaches) and so far, no one has had any reason to think there's anything wrong with me...but for whatever reason I'm still able to run away with the worry!

08-08-2013, 10:59 AM
I do this all the time. I've gotten headaches all my life...never worried about them before...then I started having anxiety and any little pain or twinge in my head or headache becomes a brain aneurysm or a tumor or something, just like you said. It's a little ridiculous. I'm had blood work done three times, been to the ER, seen two doctors, an audiologist, had an EKG, neck x-rays (because of tension headaches) and so far, no one has had any reason to think there's anything wrong with me...but for whatever reason I'm still able to run away with the worry!

Yes I always just want to run to the er almost like its a safe place but I can't or I would be in sooo much debt

08-08-2013, 11:03 AM
Thankfully I have stopped feeling like I want to run to the doctor or the ER every second (knock on wood!)...I think that's because they act like I'm insane or I'm just looking for drugs, which is really the last thing I want. I just want to know I'm okay!

08-08-2013, 11:05 AM
Thankfully I have stopped feeling like I want to run to the doctor or the ER every second (knock on wood!)...I think that's because they act like I'm insane or I'm just looking for drugs, which is really the last thing I want. I just want to know I'm okay!

That's exactly how I feel