View Full Version : Pain in my chest :(

08-08-2013, 09:25 AM
Pain in my chest so horrible making me so anxious :(

08-08-2013, 09:30 AM
I have had it this afternoon as well along with headach and achey as well :( I know how you feel

08-08-2013, 09:46 AM
Me, too. I got the flippity-floppities today, too. Wheee!

08-08-2013, 10:08 AM
I know you aren't supposed to self-diagnose...but I've gotten this chest ache thing for years and years, since I was ten or so maybe and have NEVER known what it was. It used to happen it seemed like when the weather would change drastically, but I could never really say what in particular would trigger it. It always freaked me out, but I never went to the doctor for it because first of all, I could never describe it to anyone, and second of all, I was terrified enough of going to the doctor that I just didn't. It was this ache/pain that would come on randomly it seemed, center of my chest and outward, but hard to pinpoint the exact location, sometimes the pain would feel like it went all the way through into my shoulder blades...not a sharp pain but more of a deep ache that would increase the deeper a breath I look or when I would first lay down or change position, including stooping over to pick something up, etc. It didn't make me short of breath, I could always breath fine, but it made me feel like I couldn't breath deeply because of the feeling would get worse any time I did so I was inhibiting my own breathing. Then after a few days it would go away and not happen again for months. Haven't had it in a while, and this week it is back. But one day I discovered something called costochondritis, which is the inflammation of the cartilage that connects your ribs to your sternum, and the description of what it feels like was shocking to me because it sounded EXACTLY like what I was experiencing! Wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar kind of chest pain?


08-08-2013, 12:25 PM
I know you aren't supposed to self-diagnose...but I've gotten this chest ache thing for years and years, since I was ten or so maybe and have NEVER known what it was. It used to happen it seemed like when the weather would change drastically, but I could never really say what in particular would trigger it. It always freaked me out, but I never went to the doctor for it because first of all, I could never describe it to anyone, and second of all, I was terrified enough of going to the doctor that I just didn't. It was this ache/pain that would come on randomly it seemed, center of my chest and outward, but hard to pinpoint the exact location, sometimes the pain would feel like it went all the way through into my shoulder blades...not a sharp pain but more of a deep ache that would increase the deeper a breath I look or when I would first lay down or change position, including stooping over to pick something up, etc. It didn't make me short of breath, I could always breath fine, but it made me feel like I couldn't breath deeply because of the feeling would get worse any time I did so I was inhibiting my own breathing. Then after a few days it would go away and not happen again for months. Haven't had it in a while, and this week it is back. But one day I discovered something called costochondritis, which is the inflammation of the cartilage that connects your ribs to your sternum, and the description of what it feels like was shocking to me because it sounded EXACTLY like what I was experiencing! Wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar kind of chest pain?


Yes this is true, I always have this cracking sound in the center of my chest. idk if the chest and shoulder pain I usually get are the result of my cracking chest..

08-08-2013, 12:27 PM
I have had terrible chest pains on and off all day.. random times...

08-08-2013, 01:00 PM
This morning I was clenching my muscles so tight. I kept trying to relax, but every time my mind wandered I'd do it again. Now my back, side and chest are aching fiercely. At least I know what it is now. Just wish the adrenaline would stop pumping. I think it's stuck on the on position. I'm in a good mood, feeling fine, but the adrenaline just keeps flowing. Keep getting random, annoying symptoms, from cold feet to numbness to difficulty breathing. Just trying to laugh it off and go about my day.

08-08-2013, 01:08 PM
Visiting trauma is sometimes traumatizing. Peter levine talks somatic healing which releases the pent up energy trapped by trauma. Deep breathing and muscle relaxing is good. I have used guided imagery for ptsd that was very healing by Bellruth Naperstack.