View Full Version : So happy to found this app!!

08-08-2013, 05:38 AM
I am so happy to have found this app! It makes me feel so much better to know there are other people who feel like me. I've been suffering from anxiety since 2010 when I had my first absolute horrible panic attack after a night of drinking. I think it had to do with the weight gain I dealt with then and then a friend had passed away just a few months before that. Then some issues at work didn't help which helped my lead into high blood pressure. I took some meds for awhile for my hbp but I hate meds!! So I took myself off and am currently trying natural ways to lower. Well my anxiety has been high for almost the past 2 weeks! I do have a prescription to help with my attacks that I try to avoid taking if possible but I keep it on me at all times. Lately I feel like I am going mentally crazy.... But trying to fight this war as natural as possible.

My name is Kelly by the way lol

08-08-2013, 08:24 AM
Hi Kelly...welcome to the forum! Sometimes it really helps just to know you aren't alone in what you are going through. When I came across this forum, it felt like a downright miracle because it made me realize that I wasn't crazy and that I had somewhere I could turn. I've had general anxiety since I was small...heightened nervousness about every day things...but it was never really debilitating for me until about three months ago, when I started experiencing severe anxiety and panic attacks, and what seemed like an endless string of ongoing physical symptoms. I also have medications I was given to help deal with it, but I've chosen to seek out natural alternatives for the time being, and I seem to be handling it okay that way so far. I feel more comfortable knowing that the medications are an option if I need them, but trying everything to overcome it on my own first. And in terms of natural solutions, there is pretty much no risk of them hurting you in any way, so why not try them! You have a great attitude and a pretty clear perspective about the situation, it seems...that will take you a long way!

08-08-2013, 09:06 AM
Thank you :-) It drives me crazy because I was feeling so good for so long then a couple of weeks ago it knocked me on my butt! I kinda had a panic attack because I started to feel like I was crazy! Maybe bipolar or multiple personalities or something because the thoughts going through my head (not suicidal thoughts) but just a strange disconnect and nonstop thoughts running through my head... Which freaked me out so bad so I talked to my mom about it and she said it was pretty normal she had thoughts as well and then I told my boyfriend more in depth and he gave me an example of how it happened to him and his thoughts and how it's so easy for the devil to take over your thoughts. I also did research and read that if you know your thoughts are crazy then usually that is strictly anxiety because people with real disorders feel the thoughts are normal. So that has been a relief but the past 5 weekends there has ALWAYS been something going on nonstop which I think has triggered my recent string of anxiety and I've been so tired and when I'm tired I feel foggy brained which kind of kickstand anxiety... This usually happens at work. The joys of anxiety!!