View Full Version : Fear...Advice please

10-18-2007, 05:56 AM
Hi Guys..
This is my first post. I've been scouring the internet trying to figure out how to resolve this anxiety. I completely understand. I hope things get better for all of us. I've come to realize that I've always had a mild anxiety. But I've hit a bad patch as well latley. This has excerbated the condtion. For the last 2-3 years I have undergone periods of mind paralyzing fear and anxiety. Mine has been been 95% work related. Very difficult time in my industry and for the first time in my life I feel very depressed. Im 38 years old and up until recently Ive been pretty succeful. Now, Im going through a very difficult period career wise. (IM in the mortgage industry... Can you say apocolypse?) My Fear/anxiety is predicated upon things around me (Career, family) but Im still relatively healthy other than the fear induced symptoms. I'm trying to have perspective on this. There are so many others that have problems so much worse, but that does not seem to help me. Then there is the fear that the stress is going to affect my health seriously. I'm was hoping to find others who might have gone through something similar. I know it compromises my health and that makes it even that much work. I love my wife and family but my fear of failure is paralyzing. Does this sound familar to anyone? I would really like to hear what going on with others.
Advice welcome

BTW. Drugs do not seem to help. Xanax helps the anxiety but induces deppression in short order.

Thanks in advance

10-18-2007, 04:37 PM
I know how you feel. I have suffered from mild anxiety for years and then, just recently, it escalated a great deal. Mostly, I think, because a coworker became my immediate supervisor. I, too, became extremely fearful because I knew she didn't like me. Fortunately, she has a lot of problems getting along with people and they are asking her to step down. I still find that the older I get the worse it gets and this also runs in my family. I have given up all caffine and take ativan when needed. I take 20 mg prozac daily. The meds keep me in check for the most part, but I don't like taking them. I have a very understanding husband and told him I was worried I may not be able to continue working at all at some point. He said we'd deal with that when it happens. He also has a sister who has even worse anxiety. She can rarely leave her house. Anyway, we're all in this together. Take care and remember you're not alone. Keep talking and breathing deeply. Things do seem to get better for a lot of people. Rissa

10-19-2007, 06:21 AM
Thank you very much...

10-20-2007, 04:06 PM
Hey Zuko775 i would like to recommend a few resources to you.
You can see my whole story under the free cbt course thread but in summary i have been able to cure my self using the free cbt course i am offering. If you don't know much about cbt yet please look into it. In short it is based off of the thought that your anxiety comes about b/c of your thoughts and beliefs... and therefore to cure it you must change your thoughts and beliefs.
I would also suggest looking into books by dr. Weekes and a good psychologist who deals with anxiety(although this can sometimes be very hard). Also check out this website, its loaded with good information http://panicattacks.com.au/articles/index.html

Take care, John