View Full Version : Bad Attack

08-07-2013, 09:54 PM
Anyone ever have workout/exercise anxiety attacks? Also had anyone had an anxiety attack that is so physically painful you feel continuous effects once the attack is over?

08-07-2013, 10:00 PM
Anyone ever have workout/exercise anxiety attacks? Also had anyone had an anxiety attack that is so physically painful you feel continuous effects once the attack is over?

You're not alone.
I felt the same exact way..
I used to love the gym. And now whenever I push myself hard I get out of breath scary palpitations and all that stuff
Once I even got rushed to the ER and got sent home with anxiety..
I'm still trying to workout though
Of course lightly
Don't give up
Work your way around it
I've noticed that if you keep insisting with your training the panic attacks go down a bit
I still feel a bit bad but nothing like before
Natural bodybuilder
4 years into it (:

08-07-2013, 10:05 PM
I went to the ER twice before they told me it was anxiety, and now I have constant attacks but my real fear is lifting again... I was on my second week of a NoXplode cycle when this occurred... Don't know if that was the boiling point to my anxiety splitting open but now I can't workout at all without feeling like I'm dying... Thank you for the reply

08-07-2013, 10:07 PM
I went to the ER twice before they told me it was anxiety, and now I have constant attacks but my real fear is lifting again... I was on my second week of a NoXplode cycle when this occurred... Don't know if that was the boiling point to my anxiety splitting open but now I can't workout at all without feeling like I'm dying... Thank you for the reply

Funny that you mention NO Xplode
I was on 3 scoops of neurocore when I first experienced palpitations
But they kind of went away
Till now
I've had like 5 heard studies done and they can't find anything
How long have you been lifting ?

08-07-2013, 10:14 PM
Lifting since 2011 and have cycled preworkouts occasionally, this however was my FIRST panic attack, was rushed straight to the ER. First I felt lightheaded with mild chest pain. I then had all extremities go numb and couldn't breath because I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. It was the scariest and most painful experience I've ever had!!!

08-07-2013, 10:17 PM
Lifting since 2011 and have cycled preworkouts occasionally, this however was my FIRST panic attack, was rushed straight to the ER. First I felt lightheaded with mild chest pain. I then had all extremities go numb and couldn't breath because I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. It was the scariest and most painful experience I've ever had!!!

Yeah it's scary how it feels
Literally feels like any second you'll lose conscious
Have you had any studies done ?

08-07-2013, 10:24 PM
EKGs and Cat scan...

08-07-2013, 10:26 PM
I was given Xanax (doesn't work at all)... The doc said it was definitely anxiety though and this is my first week of anxiety attacks. They're painful and constant and needed to see if anyone was like me. It's the worse pain in the world and everytime I think I'm dying!

08-07-2013, 10:34 PM
I gotta agree with your doctor
Except mine were super bad for like a whole month/:
I would literally toss and turn when I was in my room
That's how bad it was.
It's hard for others to understand as they think anxiety isn't anything bad

08-07-2013, 10:38 PM
I read some posts on here too with mild symptoms, but mine are physically painful to the point I feel like I will literally die. If it were all mental it wouldn't be an issue, but the physical pain makes coping unbearable. I'm having trouble doing everyday tasks or leaving the house and I blame myself for not trying harder but it's an impossible task... When I try calming down it only makes it worse... Thank you for sharing your story with me, it gives me hope

08-07-2013, 10:41 PM
I read some posts on here too with mild symptoms, but mine are physically painful to the point I feel like I will literally die. If it were all mental it wouldn't be an issue, but the physical pain makes coping unbearable. I'm having trouble doing everyday tasks or leaving the house and I blame myself for not trying harder but it's an impossible task... When I try calming down it only makes it worse... Thank you for sharing your story with me, it gives me hope
What exactly do you feel when you walk outside ?
And no problem
We're all here to help(:

08-08-2013, 01:56 AM
I used to love intense cardio, the feeling of my heart really working. After my first attack I began to get scared. Now when I do anything intense I panic st the feeling of my heart going fast, then it goes even faster because I'm panicking. I miss working out at a high intensity without the worry of my heart exploding.

Your extremities go numb due to the flight or fight response. It is your bodies way to protect them from injury (blood loss if hurt). I know what you mean by the physical pain. Some pains in my chest stop me in my tracks...i think it's from being tense.

08-08-2013, 08:16 AM
Yeah it's a more aggressive attack when I attempt working out but now it effects my daily routine. When I leave to go somewhere I feel like I'm trapped and I'll panic in front of other people. It happens everywhere and every time. This morning my body began panicking but I stayed doing what I was suppose to and it faded away slowly, but now afterwards I'm drained and exhausted