View Full Version : TO THOSE WHO CAN"T TAKE MEDICATION - Question

10-16-2007, 08:59 AM
I have tried all the anxiety medications and had severe reactions. Now I am in a 6 month long total breakdown.

Has anyone else that can't take meds to stop a breakdown had it go on for a long time.


10-17-2007, 06:27 AM
Well, I have had my anxiety problem for about a year. And I have no taken any meds except for sleep medication when I can't sleep (and this is actually VERY rare now). Admittedly, I am feeling ALOT better than I did when this all started. But at the rate that it is getting better, I still don't expect it to be over extremely soon - probably another year or two.

In any case, don't look at it as being such a horrible thing that you don't respond well to medication. Although medication is looked at as the one and only true solution to anxiety by doctors, psychiatrists, and even many psychologists (who are actually fighting HARD for the right to prescribe), the fact of the matter is that meds almost NEVER bring lasting relief. You might want to try some cognitive strategies at this point in time. Anxietycentre.com has a good self-help program. And any of the books by Claire Weekes are good as well. Just keep in mind that lasting relief is not something that will come extremely quickly. You might fare better I have. But this problem is probably NOT going to leave you in a month or two. So be prepared for this. Why am I telling you this? Because if you don't expect to be better in a short time, you will generate less stress and anxiety when/if you don't.

What about therapy? This is always dicey. Although a good therapist can be of great help, many are just not too good. For whatever reason, it is VERY hard to find a therapist who can actually help you with your anxiety. In fact, you will probably have to go through several in order to find a good fit. And many will try to push meds on you. In any case, try self-help first. It might be all you need.

10-31-2007, 08:29 PM
Hi Raz,

You might want to give hypnosis a try. It's very calming and has helped me a ton. But you have to listen daily and like anything, it takes time..but during the time you're listening, you most likely will be relaxed.

I am not allergic to drugs, but don't like to take them and was on a mission to figure out another way. For me, I needed to simplify my life. So, it's making changes on the outside and the inside (calming my brain)...helped reduce my anxiety.

Also, a friend of mine recently lost his job and was handling it so well. Within 2 weeks he found a better job. I asked him why he never complained about not sleeping (he was famous for that when stressed) told me he gets up 15 minutes earlier every day to just sit and breathe and he said he credited that for everything working out.

Best of luck...