View Full Version : Depersonalization disorder

08-07-2013, 01:47 PM
Hi there,

Does anybody else suffer with this? And has anybody had help or put any techniques into practice?

Any advice / stories / help would be great.

It's the closest self diagnosis my boyfriend can come to for what happens to him so we are trying to research and get as much as information help as we can on it


08-07-2013, 01:58 PM
his symptoms sound like a vitamin B deficiency.. a simple blood test will tell you for sure. otherwise you could take a good vit B complex for several weeks and see if he improves. if he gets the test, get a 25-OH to check vit D level too.

08-07-2013, 02:15 PM
It's at such a bad point though where he can hardly so anything anymore. It's been happening for 5 years and had to many tests etc I bought him the vitamins in the hope they may help but nothing has really changed but noticed a few people mentioned magnesium.

Do want to find people who suffer with this condition though see what they gave tried etc x

08-07-2013, 02:51 PM
I've suffer from that before. it just went away on its own.. It's a terrible feeling! :/

08-07-2013, 03:46 PM
Yes I've suffered with this. & for me it was the most frightening part of anxiety .
It still happens from time to time but not as much

For me it went away on its own thank god !!
Is he on any medication ?
What does the G.P say ???

It's awful to feel this way , my heart goes out to him x

08-08-2013, 01:02 AM
Hey jessy,

He's been to the doctors and hospitals for years and put on various tablets and test but they have never found what's wrong.

It's just got to the point now where we are searching the net for answers and this seems to be the closest thing to it.

I have managed to find a dr who specialises in it near where we live so might get in touch with them. Amazing that yours has just gone away :) hopefully his will one day.

Thanks for mailing though as any info on it or how people have dealt with it is great help x

08-09-2013, 01:17 AM
I hope this new specialist can help him .

It's an awful feeling to live with .

It comes & goes for me , a side effect of anxiety. I have to say its the worst symptom & I'm just grateful that I don't have it all the time .

Let me know how you get on with the new doctor , I really hope he can help him
Love Jessy xx

08-09-2013, 01:38 AM
Try l-ornithine and or magnesium. Vitamin D is great too but might be more of a gradual effect. Worked for me!

08-09-2013, 01:42 AM
Try l-ornithine and or magnesium. Vitamin D is great too but might be more of a gradual effect. Worked for me!

I agree with you

08-09-2013, 02:04 AM
He's taking 5-htp and b50 comes which has some magnesium in it but just 25mg out of the 100 do you think this would be ok if we upped the dosage. Will look at the other one suggested.

Thanks xxx

08-09-2013, 02:05 AM
And yes jessy any progress il let you know x