View Full Version : Feeling unclean? (heads up: gross descriptions)

08-07-2013, 07:27 AM
I'm not sure why but for the last few hours I have felt extremely unclean, to the point where I can't focus on anything but the feeling. I keep seeing images in my head of things like infected wounds and people with bugs/parasites in their skin (they won't go away), and I feel like my body is dirty all over even though I just showered. It won't go away, I feel so upset and uncomfortable about it that I want to cry or vomit and my skin is crawling. Please help, I don't know what to do and I have never felt this way without an identifiable trigger before. I have GAD and minor depression, but I have never had this experience and it's making me so anxious that I feel a bit dizzy. How do I get these horrible images out of my head and how do I stop feeling unclean and awful?

08-07-2013, 06:33 PM
could this be an OCD issue? I am not well read up on it but the obsessive thinking pattern of cleanliness definitely sounds like OCD my friend.Indulge in cleaning yourself obviously but if the images are there try and not succumb to going to the bathroom and frequently washing hands,face,etc. I got nothin on the mental images other than have one image in your head you can revert back to and purely focus on it when the others crop up,it can be anything.I spent a while forming a mental image with alot of sentimental comforting items there and use it when the bad anxiety hits.Hope it helps it sounds horrible : (

With GAD i'm sure the 'distraction' method has came up a few times maybe try watch something to change the thinking pattern?