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08-07-2013, 07:18 AM
I would like to know if anyone's anxiety started out of blue?

08-07-2013, 07:20 AM
Mine did! :(

08-07-2013, 07:21 AM
always had mild social anxiety, but the nasty stuff and panic attacks all started at once, following an extremely stressful period.

08-07-2013, 07:47 AM
Mine did as well ... I went through a stressful period even tho I didn't feel stressed enough to develop an anxiety disorder hahah

08-07-2013, 08:22 AM
Mine sure did. I think I've had general anxiety most of my life, but the more severe and debilitating anxiety came on very suddenly and unexpectedly for me...which is partly why, I think, it's hard to accept that it's just anxiety, even though I know perfectly well that I was under a ridiculous amount of stress at that time, so it makes sense.

08-07-2013, 08:27 AM
Mine did! I didn't have any troubles, and out of the blue >>> panic attack. And one week later again, and from that day on I have anxiety and panic attacks everyday. I am sick because of the anxiety. Tired, afraid that my heart will stop beating etc. So yeah, out of the blue and hardcore.

08-07-2013, 08:36 AM
My first experience of anxiety wad due to thyroid dysfunction. Over came with thyroid medication and rest. Five years later out of the blue tachycardia...due to stress, after two deaths, moving across country, job loss same day closed on my house, miscarriage, and loss of pet. I started avoided being alone due to fear of panic attacks. Now trying to over come the fear of being alone! My strongest advise is do not avoid anything. Some research shows the sooner you get help the chances of a shorter suffering is successful. I waited two years for help. Going to medical doctors instead of learning that my body was stressed.

08-07-2013, 11:04 AM
Mine started what felt like randomly but looking back I'm not surprised it came!

The February of 2009 my grandad died very suddenly. He was a strong, hardworking man who had such a powerful spirit and I really looked up to him for that. He suffered a Pulmonary Embolism (which I assume is why it's one of my biggest fears) and I was a wreck at his funeral. I couldn't breathe for grief.

I spent the summer learning to cope with losing him and came to terms with it to some degree. Then in the September I started acting a little differently. I was living with my long term boyfriend at the time and I randomly decided to end our relationship. He was my everything but something compelled me to start a fresh. I saved up and ran off to America to stay with a family friend for two weeks and suffered my first panic attack while I was there.

I suffered with the altitude (I was in Denver) and I think the strange foggy feeling must have been what triggered it.

After that I never quite recovered and here I am almost four years later. Sigh!

08-07-2013, 11:51 AM
I was wondering if there is a connection between when I was a sophomore in high school my grandma passed away suddenly less then a year later my boyfriend of a year broke up with me then I had my first panic attack and wa very very depressed I eventually recovered now that I have just graduated college hello anxiety and panic full force are those two incidents related?

08-07-2013, 11:57 AM
absolutely. both are very stressful situations and stress is the #1 cause of anxiety symptoms.