View Full Version : Any1 get this with anxiety??

08-07-2013, 06:11 AM
Feeling like your heart stopped for a beat :( x

08-07-2013, 06:31 AM
Heart arrhythmias and palpiations are common symptoms of folks with anxiety. Magnesium deficiency is the most likely candidate.

Other symptoms might include anxiety, irritability, muscle twitching/cramps, restless leg syndrome, sensitive to light/sound, phobias, fatigue, nervousness, severe PMS

Do you eats lots of magnesium rich foods? Do you get any exercise? How's your stress level?

08-07-2013, 06:38 AM
Heart arrhythmias and palpiations are common symptoms of folks with anxiety. Magnesium deficiency is the most likely candidate.

Other symptoms might include anxiety, irritability, muscle twitching/cramps, restless leg syndrome, sensitive to light/sound, phobias, fatigue, nervousness, severe PMS

Do you eats lots of magnesium rich foods? Do you get any exercise? How's your stress level?

Dont get much exersice as i dont leave the house altho i always try to keep busy around the house and wat sort ov rich foods should i be eating

08-07-2013, 06:57 AM
If you don't leave the house, don't eat well, and don't get any exercise, chances are all of anxiety symptoms are due to nutrient deficiencies.

Most agoraphobia patients are Vitamin B6 deficient.

Vit D is extremely common in folks with depression/anxiety.

Per latest USDA study 2/3 of Americans do not get enough Vit D and calcium; 93% do not get the daily minimum for Vit E, for Mag 56%, Vit A 44%, B6 14%, Zinc 12%?

Any or all of these cause anxiety symptoms!