View Full Version : what the hell is wrong with me

10-15-2007, 07:04 PM
been through a crazy couple of years--parents divorcing, moving, starting college, friend's death, mom's cancer

friend died in july and i went through an intense grief period where i just was paralyzed in the state of what felt like mental drowning

now i'm not like that, but i'm behaving in ways that aren't normal
my mind won't won't won't shut up and sometimes i wonder if i force these racing thoughts on myself but i don't know and i have a really hard time getting them to shut up

i get distracted spending hours on the internet diagnosing myself with every single mental disorder or physical problem (that has mental symptoms) possible

when i have to talk to people i don't really know, especially students or professors, i feel myself sinking and i want to disapear in the floor

my chest hurts all the time and at first i thought i was having heart attacks

sometimes i'm so aware of my own breathing and it can be irregular at times and i freak out that i'm messing up my breathing and thats causing all of this

i dont go to bed when i should, don't go running when i should, don't do homework when i should--i just thinkthinkthinkthinkthink about stupid things and get so overwhelmed with what has to be done that i just don't start

i grind my teeth all the time and when i wake up in the morning i can feel this sort of throbbing in my mouth

is this normal grief? anxiety symptoms? should i discuss this with my counselor? is it worth it to go on medication for anxiety

10-16-2007, 01:22 AM
what you are describing sounds familiar - panic attacks. i defintely think you need to talk to your councellor about it as it can, as you are experiencing, having a negative effect on every aspect if your life.....

10-16-2007, 08:42 AM
You have been through an awful amount of stress recently, and, it will have had a worse effect on you than you realize. You should discuss all this with your counsellor, as, Alchemist suggests. The feelings you have and the racing thoughts are similar to what I have and as bad as they can make you feel, are anxiety. Going on medication is a personal choice, not everyone reacts the same to medication.

mr panic man
10-21-2007, 08:31 AM
helo there sorry to hear about all thats happend to you :cry: i can relate to what you sed alot tho i all so have chest pain alot

and the whole aware of how you breath is my worst symptom now neva get a seconds peace cuz i have to constanly moniter how im breathin this all so gives ma alot trapped air in my chest so im burpin alot to

and also im so aware of my heart beat its unreal i can fell it beat alll most all the time and 100% of the time when im in my bed so i dread gettin to sleeep

do you have this also

10-21-2007, 12:26 PM
been through a crazy couple of years--parents divorcing, moving, starting college, friend's death, mom's cancer

friend died in july and i went through an intense grief period where i just was paralyzed in the state of what felt like mental drowning

now i'm not like that, but i'm behaving in ways that aren't normal
my mind won't won't won't shut up and sometimes i wonder if i force these racing thoughts on myself but i don't know and i have a really hard time getting them to shut up

i get distracted spending hours on the internet diagnosing myself with every single mental disorder or physical problem (that has mental symptoms) possible

when i have to talk to people i don't really know, especially students or professors, i feel myself sinking and i want to disapear in the floor

my chest hurts all the time and at first i thought i was having heart attacks

sometimes i'm so aware of my own breathing and it can be irregular at times and i freak out that i'm messing up my breathing and thats causing all of this

i dont go to bed when i should, don't go running when i should, don't do homework when i should--i just thinkthinkthinkthinkthink about stupid things and get so overwhelmed with what has to be done that i just don't start

i grind my teeth all the time and when i wake up in the morning i can feel this sort of throbbing in my mouth

is this normal grief? anxiety symptoms? should i discuss this with my counselor? is it worth it to go on medication for anxiety

I do all this, only I hide it very well from other people because of my ego.


I'm still looking for the answer..

10-24-2007, 02:25 PM
I went through the same exact thing, the chest pain is from muscle tension, when my anxiety was really bad i would think i was having heart attacks, but when you are tense all the time your nerves get tired and they misfire, causing sharp pains, i went on medication about 8 months ago and am doing so much better, i recommend it, good luck.

10-31-2007, 07:54 PM

You're only human and all those events are very traumatic...so, yeah, talk to your counselor and doctor about their advice but definitely know that it's ok to have these reactions and also know that it can get better. I have had a bad stretch of time these past few years and know what you mean about not working out even if you're supposed to and not taking care of yourself. I ended up making myself sick with ulcers.

I can only say that although I took xanax for awhile (small doses only when needed) I found that if I just added one tiny thing in my life, but did it every day, it started to help. Maybe for you it's reading something that makes you feel good, or sitting, breathing and meditating, or listening to hypnsosis tapes...just start doing one thing...daily. Even if it's just a few minutes. But, that's just me....talk to your doctor/counselor....just know you aren't alone and it's ok to talk to a professional.