View Full Version : Just wondering...

08-06-2013, 04:25 PM
Hi all, I'm new to the forum but have suffered with anxiety for about 6years sometimes it's worse than others but this year it got to a point where I've had enough and need to do something about it.

I don't know if anyone else has the same problem, but my biggest issue when I feel myself getting anxious is that I always need to pee. Half the time I escape to go to the loo and find I don't actually need to go but this has lead to me avoiding situations where I know I will be away from a toilet etc.

I think my anxiety is mainly social based and am always concerned about making a fool of myself etc. I've been so worried that I will be stuck with this anxiety for ever that I have avoided actually doing things that I know might help for fear that they won't help and ill be left with no hope at all ( if that makes sense)?!

Just hoping to find someone who can relate to this so I know I'm not alone. Any advice on coping strategies would be gratefully received as I'm fed up with it ruling my life. I have recently started working through a cbt workbook which I find does help slightly but I still have a long way to go!

Thanks in advance :-)