View Full Version : Being alone

08-06-2013, 01:35 PM
Does anyone else hate being home alone or going somewhere by themselves ... Is this caused by anxiety?

08-06-2013, 02:14 PM

08-06-2013, 02:17 PM
Totally caused by anxiety. I have a fear of being totally alone in case of a medical emergency and nobody being around to help me. Horrible feeling!

08-06-2013, 02:20 PM
Yes that's why I hate it like what if something happened to me while I'm alone.,, ugh

08-06-2013, 02:22 PM
Do you have a neighbor you can trust in an emergency? Or a friend that lives nearby? Maybe telling them how you're feeling and making sure you have their number close to hand would help.

08-06-2013, 02:25 PM
Yes I have one neighbor who is always home and my boyfriend lives like 5 minutes away which does help to some degree. I never used to be afraid to be alone I actually couldn't wait for that time hahah but now not so much

08-06-2013, 02:31 PM
Tell me about it. I used to love living on my own but the thought of it scares me half to death nowadays!

08-06-2013, 02:35 PM
Me too!!!! It's terrible going through life like this

08-07-2013, 05:11 AM
I wouldn't say I'm afraid of being alone but I still hate it most of the time. I'm starting to feel better about it, though.

08-07-2013, 06:44 AM
I am trying to be alone and having such a hard time. Really stressful. I know that I will be fine logically. But when I try I can hardly handle the physical symptoms of fear.

08-07-2013, 07:16 AM
I know what you mean when I'm home by myself my thoughts just race and this is when I do all my "thinking" and it's always about myself my symptoms and what diseases I have.......

08-07-2013, 09:36 AM
Yes I have the same thing. I'm 16 years old so I still life with my parents. But I have vacation and their still working so when I havev physical symptoms while I am home alone I totally freak out because I feel like something is going to happen to me and there is no one there to find me.

08-07-2013, 10:59 AM
When I was at my worst I went home for Christmas and was so terrified of dying in my sleep and nobody finding me that I slept on the sofa every night :(

Really isn't a nice feeling. Thankfully I'm not that bad anymore but it felt like such a real fear at the time!