View Full Version : Just saying hiya!!

08-06-2013, 09:30 AM
Hello, my names Caitlin. I'm fifteen and live on the Isle of Man. This feels really cliché for me, introducing myself. Hahaha!!
I wouldn't consider myself to be a 'normal' teenager, although anyone who is 'normal' probably is the oddest of all.
I thought I'd write this post just to see what this is all about, I was diagnosed with depression 2 months ago, but my medication seems to be stopping the bad thoughts..
I self harmed for 5 months before telling anybody, and when I finally told my friends/GP/parents/school, nobody knew what to say.
Has anybody else had problems with their GP or support networks?
The only person who actually knew how to handle it was my boyfriend, at that point we had been together only 9 months..
I'd love to hear everybody else's experiences and thoughts, it just feels nice to be able to relate with people..

