View Full Version : Pleaase help!!!! Anxiety or more...

08-06-2013, 08:36 AM
Hi everyone I am new to this forum and I just wanted to share my story and get everyone thoughts and opinions.... sorry if this is lengthy...

About 5 months ago is when this all started.. i was very close to graduating college and just finishing up doing my practicum for teaching. When i started to get random dizzy spells. At this time I did not think to much of it.. until one day i got the random dizzy spell with my heart pounding the chills and diarrhea after that my life has changed for good... since then i have had a huge amounts of tests ( i will list my tests below) i also have had many many many symptoms which i will also list below. i have been experiencing panic attacks and i CONSTANTLY worry of course i fear the worst such as a brain aneurysm, MS, cancer, stroke, that i have POTS disorder. Lyme disease ...

basically anything i worry about having.... if i haven't mentioned i am a 20 year old female who previously to this was very healthy and played sports for 9 years... Please someone help!! .... basically I just want to know if this could be anxiety and if anxiety can really cause all of this since all the doctors and er people seem to think it is..??

Tests i have had done:

CT scan of head sonogram of neck CT scan of neck with contrast Chest Xray CT scan of chest with contrast 4 OR 5 ekg's echocardigram 24 hr holter monitor sonogram of my pancreas sonogram of my gallbladder 2 pelvic sonograms multiple rounds of blood work to check thyroid, complete blood count, electrolytes, kidney function, and a lot of other things. I have had urine test and stool cultures and probably other test i am forgetting...


headaches (one migraine like headache the rest either pressure or tension) dizzy/light headed off balance floaters in eye seeing flashes in eyes blurry vision seeing black spots (not floaters) colored streaks tunnel vision hot flashes chills tight throat tight chest/chest pain palpitations/ tachycardia upset stomach diarrhea nausea numbness in face and head tingles in hands feet and face (mostly tip of nose) tremor weakness racing thoughts weight loss weight gain Frequent yawning Feeling I'm not getting enough air Frequent hiccups and more....

I have been to the eye doctor twice, pcp many times, er 5 times, ent, and a cardiologist. So i just would like to know if anyone has had any of these and is this anxiety!?!?!?!!?!?

08-06-2013, 08:46 AM
Your symptoms sound exactly like mine, poppet. Totally common anxiety symptoms. And with all those tests you've had its nearly impossible they wouldn't have found a solution if the issue was physical.

Most people have the odd dizzy spell, but they think "oh that's unpleasant" and then as soon as it ends they feel fine. Unfortunately some of us get stuck in that mode and can't get out. It's like a switch has been flicked in our brains and we can't turn it back off.

Please don't worry about your physical health, really, they would have found something by now had there been something wrong. You sound like you have a doctor who at least takes you seriously enough to actually test you for your health concerns. Many of us get labelled as a hypochondriac and they refuse to test us or fob us off!

08-06-2013, 08:52 AM
Thank you so much for your reply! Not worry is so much easier said then done hahaha I'm trying my best to really accept the anxiety I think that's the hardest part for me

08-06-2013, 09:18 AM
Sounds like you've just over-did it a little. Get yourself a good multi-vitamin, most importantly B-complex, and either a multi-mineral or a calcium/magnesium supplement, and then take a couple days off to rest.. go do something fun and relaxing, get outside and enjoy the sunshine, or go home for a good home-cooked meal.

02-22-2014, 03:33 AM
I think there's a small possibility you could have so,ething more such as Lyme disease but this sounds a lot like anxiety. Those workups should give you some peace of mind but if you're not satisfied don't give up. Maybe try anxiety meds/counseling and if it doesn't help then continue to check medical stuff