View Full Version : Anviety V Depression

08-06-2013, 07:22 AM
I have both , my g.p asked me which I find the hardest to live with ??
As I've had anxiety since being a child , I would say I can just about live with it (with help from avitan & dosulepin) .
Depression is harder it's to painful to live with. It's killing me .
I hate feeling like this .
Any how , does anyone else suffer both anxiety & depression & if so how the hell do you manage to keep going from day to day ??

Jessy x

08-06-2013, 07:22 AM

Typo sorry :-/

08-06-2013, 10:54 AM
My depression stems directly from my anxiety. I wouldn't consider myself depressed in and of itself, but the cycle of anxiety triggers the depression because I feel like I'm stuck and have no way out. It starts to overwhelm me and I lose interest in a lot of things, and feel physically worse and worse, which then makes my anxiety flare up because I'm scared of there being something wrong with me, and hence the cycle starts all over again.

08-06-2013, 06:36 PM
Im typically not depressed but having chronic anxiety problems pretty much guarantees that you experience some depression along with it. I think the anxiety wears me down, and I also begin to worry as to why im feeling depressed the and anxiety cycle begins again.

08-06-2013, 11:02 PM
I have both , my g.p asked me which I find the hardest to live with ??
As I've had anxiety since being a child , I would say I can just about live with it (with help from avitan & dosulepin) .
Depression is harder it's to painful to live with. It's killing me .
I hate feeling like this .
Any how , does anyone else suffer both anxiety & depression & if so how the hell do you manage to keep going from day to day ??

Jessy x

It is my opinion that everyone that has anxiety suffers from depression too at some point. I remember when I first got anxiety and I meet my physician he asked me about depression and I was like I don't even know what that is :)..sure enough struggling with anxiety I developed certain phobias which in turn kicked in my depression, with agoraphobia being the main one. So after analyzing the situation I decided to tackle agoraphobia which in turn took care of my depression even though I had a very mild for of it.
Conclusion, depression is a product of something else, so concentrate in fighting whatever is causing you depression and remember no one knows you better than you so pay attention to your body and mind.
I hope this helps :)..

08-07-2013, 04:08 AM
I used to suffer from both from PTSD... Just going in with my life... Going ton college and defying what negativity I have encountered has helped. I was on a lot of meds a decade ago. Now not as much. Time is the best healer ... But takes a while. ...if much of it stems from experience... Which I find is common. Whether here, with a counselor, therapy, group therapy, or a friend .. Taking things out when someone you trust helps. Me depression has been mostly absorb the past 7 years... But my anxiety and panic remain. Also I'd suggest to look for teas and Natural herbs for tea or smoke: chamomile, passionflower, catnip, and lavender all calming herbs. ( always ask your doctors before taking new meds of supplements... They cousin react with current meds