View Full Version : help please :(

10-14-2007, 12:12 PM
hi everyone! I am going through a difficult spell at the moment! have had mild anxiety all my life but over the last couple months it has taken over me! I have been been unattached from the world 24/7 and practically every other symptom under the planet! By far the most worst feeling i have is not being able to concentrate of think straight and is frustrating me so much! I am also getting eye trouble, which i find hard to focus and gives me a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge headache!!!!!

I just want to ask what other anxiety sufferers feel or have felt in terms of symptoms! I am hoping this will make me feel a bit better as i will see other people are going through the same situation as i am!

cheers guys!

10-14-2007, 03:05 PM
Hey, do not despair. Im going through a bad patch also. I literally cannot concentrate on anything either! You need to look at your life stressors. Of which I have many. Family issues, business etc etc!

My symptoms are derealisation (feels like walking in a dream world), crying spells, continuous worry, tight chest, worrying strange thoughts, panic about being alone, fearing going insane. The whole shebang! But we can and will beat this my friend! Ive forgot wot feeling normal is like! SO when I feel ok for a min I panic about that

10-15-2007, 10:35 AM
Hi There

Im going through a bad patch at the moment, it started 3 weeks ago but is getting a little better day by day

I started with De realization, which made me panic this went on to silly thoughts about the universe, how big it is and how small we are, and the fact that while I'm sat here typing this reply IM actually on a planet that is going round in space and part of a big galaxy.
Yes these thoughts sound a little far out but for some reason can't stop thinking about them, and they do tend to freak me out.

My non derealization is not as bad now in that respect I feel almost normal, its just the silly thoughts that have been created that I need to accept and forget about now, finger crossed I will do soon, though at the moment it seems impossible


10-17-2007, 06:39 PM
Hi Guys..
This is my first post. I've been scouring the internet trying to figure out how to resolve this anxiety. I completely understand. I hope things get better for all of us. I've come to realize that I've always had a mild anxiety. But I've hit a bad patch as well latley. This has excerbated the condtion. For the last 2-3 years I have undergone periods of mind paralyzing fear and anxiety. Mine has been been 95% work related. Very difficult time in my industry and for the first time in my life I feel very depressed. Im was hoping to find others who might have gone through something similar. I know it compromises my health and that makes it even that much work. I love my wife and family but my fear of failure is paralyzing. Does this sound familar to anyone? I would really like to hear what going on with others. Advice welcome

10-18-2007, 04:13 AM
Hi Guys..
This is my first post. I've been scouring the internet trying to figure out how to resolve this anxiety. I completely understand. I hope things get better for all of us. I've come to realize that I've always had a mild anxiety. But I've hit a bad patch as well latley. This has excerbated the condtion. For the last 2-3 years I have undergone periods of mind paralyzing fear and anxiety. Mine has been been 95% work related. Very difficult time in my industry and for the first time in my life I feel very depressed. Im was hoping to find others who might have gone through something similar. I know it compromises my health and that makes it even that much work. I love my wife and family but my fear of failure is paralyzing. Does this sound familar to anyone? I would really like to hear what going on with others. Advice welcome

Hi again everyone, thanks for the replies and posts!

Zuko775 this sounds pretty much like my story! I have been able to accept recently that i have had mld anxiety for the past few years but didnt really think anything of it! All i got was mild anxiety when i knew i had to do a class speech etc. However, now my anxiety has fluctuated and is spirling out of control! I beleive this is from the pressure of leaving school and having to find a job which is terrifying me! Its not that i dont wish to get one, its simply that my anxiety has taken over and i start worrying about just the thought of getting a job! This is where all the symptoms begin; derealization, feeling of i am going to die prematurely, insomnia, IBS and pretty much every symptom under the sun! I do however have a few days of feeling generally o.k but once another symptom starts i will get caught up in the vicious cycle onc again!

Zuko775 I am only 17 but i also am scared and worried of failure in whatever i do! This may be sports, work or life in general! I have always been a perfectionist and completed tasks to the best of my ability! I think this is what makes anxety even harder for people like us who are totally struck by the fear of failure!

Im sure all of us can beat this anxiety i have good days and bad days, which means if i can do well one day, anyone can! Although i do feel apprehensive about beating anxiety ( i think everyone does to an extent) i will continue to fo the best i can and gopes this gives a good insight to another anxiety suferer!

thanks for the replies guys!