View Full Version : The internet and our moods

08-06-2013, 03:19 AM
I read in the paper today that sadly 14 year old girl committed suicide because of 'keyboard warriors' on the website ask.com. We hear of this all the time cyber-bullying and the increase of suicide in our children and our selves.

I'm wondering how many of us let these people affect the way we feel also, or do we ignore or report and how do you deal with them....

I myself has luckily haven't experienced this

08-06-2013, 05:36 AM
Its different for young people but I don't understand why someone would kill themselves because of these "keyboard warriors". I've never shared anything intimate or deeply personal on the Internet so I wouldn't know. Sad to hear about it, though :/

08-06-2013, 05:48 AM
When I was younger I was a victim of online bullying through Facebook and the girl who bullied me was quite a scary girl who wanted to hurt me and would threaten me I wouldn't go to school as I would be to scared this was just one girl!! And it made me very depressed and scared and no one would listen to me and I was to scared to involve police

08-06-2013, 06:23 AM
I'm sorry to hear that sharacel. What happened with this girl?

I have read what some of these trolls have put and they can be extremely vicious, to me it seems like its getting worse, here in the UK well known women (including mps) are being told there houses will be bombed or that they will be raped, when is it going to stop.

People could easily troll any website/social media/forum etc

08-06-2013, 07:01 AM
Bullying amongst youngsters is petty, bitter and severe. The internet has made all this worse so that not only can you be bullied in school or the playground but at home too. I imagine it becomes so overwhelming to the point that it controls your entire life. What's strange is that there've been arrests in recent months ove roffensive Twitter remarks, or violent inflammtory comments on FB. Why not arrest people who have caused deaths via bullying? Yes a lot will be underage but why should people be allowed to get away with such things?


08-06-2013, 11:13 AM
Sensitive people should stay away from the internet.

08-06-2013, 03:08 PM
I live in the UK as well, the girl well nothing happened to her I moved away and got away from it but Internet bullying is one of the worse threats name calling ect when your young it can have a massive impact on your life and schooling. Ed I totally agree these bully's need to be taught a good lesson end of the day they have been responsible for basically taking a life. It's awful!