View Full Version : Insomnia advice

08-06-2013, 02:53 AM
For the last week or so, every time I try to sleep, just at the moment I doze off, I startle awake suddenly, with my heart racing and a sensation of strong fear. I have only been sleeping a few hours a day. Needless to say, I'm pretty exhausted. Is this a common anxiety symptom, and if so, what do you suggest I do? I've tried pills, but they don't really work. I have to go until I'm ready to drop, then I lay in bed and jerk awake until my brain finally gives up.

08-06-2013, 04:36 AM
Started to doze off and dreamed about being in the er, when the heart monitor went off and I started to go into arrest. Woke again with my heart racing. Just want to sleep, but now I have adrenaline running thru me. Feel all jumpy. Aches and pains.

08-06-2013, 06:13 AM
Still awake. Trying some music. Dozed off and jerked awake dreaming about 3 and a half men. Lol. That will give anyone anxiety. Or is it nausea? Reaction wasn't as severe, though. Keep telling myself there is nothing to be scared of falling asleep and my body needs the rest. Dont know why this keeps happening except just adrenaline in my system.

08-06-2013, 08:09 AM
This was exactly me last night...I've been doing GREAT for the last week or so, and then suddenly last night I was right back to it. I had a bit of a headache off and on all evening, so I finally took something, but when I tried to lay down and go to sleep I couldn't relax and just felt weird...was having a few random pains here and there, including the weird feelings in my head, and everything was making me jump...and my thoughts immediately reverted back to the intrusive ones about my health that I can't stand. Then I get frustrated because things had been going so great and I don't understand what triggers it so suddenly. I ended up staying awake talking to my Mom until 1:30 AM and then still couldn't relax and fall asleep so I lay there and lay there and by the time I was finally feeling a little more relaxed, my alarm was going off for work. So now I'm at work feeling exhausted, and still with the headache I had before. I'm not sure how to handle it, but any time it happens it scares me because I feel like I'm spiraling back down into the place I was a few weeks ago, which is not where I want to be.