View Full Version : Trying to stay away from medicine

08-05-2013, 07:07 PM
To start off my name is Shawn, I just turned 21 and I'm not sure if I'm having anxiety or I am just worried about have anxiety. Ill start from the beginning. About 3 weeks ago I got drunk for the first time on jäger and redbull. I felt really "off" for a few days and so I decided to play doctor on google and thought I had a form of depersonalization, so I freaked out for a couple days had a few episodes where my heart would beat real fast and I was breathing real fast(breathed into a paper bag) went to the doctor and found out I was a actually clinically dehydrated. Anyway I still feel worried to the point that I can't eat right sometimes and wake up around 8 or so in the morning even having 3-4 hours of sleep(don't have trouble going to sleep). If I'm out doing something I am completely fine(I can think about it but I don't feel scared or worried) but if I sit around I start thinking about it and its kind of a snow ball effect it gets worse. I don't feel depressed or anything, I still go out and do my regular activities, I don't do drugs, and I am usually a happy person. I usually worry in the morning and it pretty well goes away later in the day. Anyway I don't want medicine because that would go in my record and I am going to college to become a police officer. So I need to sort this out on my own. This has been going on for a couple weeks( this went away for 4-5 days then it started back over) Thanks in advanced for any help

Ps. I feel completely fine writing this but I know when I wake up ill be back to worrying.

08-05-2013, 09:20 PM
Sounds like the beginning of anxiety. I would suggest cognitive behavioral therapy. It is basically just retraining your brain to think differently. Since you don't wanna do meds, this would probably be the best way for you. You can nip it in the bud before it gets any further.
This is a really good website for some info:

08-06-2013, 05:46 AM
My advice would be to try and stay active. As long as your mind is concentrating on something, the intrusive thoughts should stay away.

And from my own experience, that's exactly what alcohol did to me, too. The panic attacks didn't stop me from drinking which was a huge mistake. For me alcohol has been the root of this problem so please try to stay away from it.