View Full Version : One hour at a time....

08-05-2013, 01:05 PM
I'm doing a bit better today. Thursday was my rock bottom.... at least I hope it was rock bottom. I took several sleeping pills that put me asleep in my car to numb out the world. I took several again that night .... felt a bit drunk I guess. But it numbed me and that's what I need when I'm hurting that bad. No it's not healthy, but numbing is better than driving off a cliff which is what I wanted to do. I came to work and something happened and I had an anxiety attack and I panicked. I left work, tried to talk myself into coming back to work. Came back but got in my office and just felt closed in and panicked. I had to leave or I was gonna bounce off the walls.

Had a successful mostly anxiety free weekend which was much needed. Hopefully I can have a somewhat successful week too.