View Full Version : Suicidal Thoughts?

08-05-2013, 07:29 AM
Has anyone experienced any suicidal thoughts or actual attempts so far?

08-05-2013, 09:02 AM
Has anyone experienced any suicidal thoughts or actual attempts so far?

Never. Just have anxiety/panic.

08-05-2013, 10:37 AM
attempts no, but thoughts yea. They weren't sincere thoughts, but more ocd I think, something I could think that would spike my anxiety. Since learning more about having anxiety the intrusive thoughts ocd stuff has gone down a lot.

08-05-2013, 10:45 AM
Have had thoughts everyone is better off with out me but would never do anything I'm terrified of death!'

08-05-2013, 10:51 AM
I think thoughts go through everyone's minds now and then but suicide itself is a selfish action and shouldn't ever be actually done. This isn't coming from a religious standpoint, just a factual one. There's always people who care and who will be truly hurt if you are gone. If the thoughts are persistent and in general with regards to anxiety/depression you should seek out a therapist.


08-05-2013, 01:00 PM
Has anyone experienced any suicidal thoughts or actual attempts so far?

I have a couple of posts in the depression forum about my suicidal thoughts. The anxiety and the depression have been overwhelming for me.

08-05-2013, 01:26 PM
I don't mean to be picky but I think selfish is the wrong word :/ of course the impact is wide and damaging but for someone to reach that point their mindset and life is incredibly sad.

I wouldn't say people complete suicide or self harm out of the annoyance of others. I think a better word would be 'devastating'.

Those who are suicidal and experiencing levels of anxiety are likely to latch on to words like 'selfish' and ruminate over them.

08-05-2013, 01:30 PM
Being terrified of dying its the absolute last thing on my mind!

08-05-2013, 07:07 PM
I have had suicidal thoughts with my depression in the past, but this time my depression has lasted three years and instead of just thoughts I now find it easier to act on them. A few weeks ago I took my first ever overdose, I did it out of anger because I was told I could not stay in the recovery house any longer but had to go back home to all the pressure there which I knew my head could not handle. At the time I acted I had no thoughts for my husband or son, just anger and wanted out. Since then I have started a few times to do things but have stopped myself either by ringing the Crisis number and getting help, or once ringing my son and upsetting him but getting him to make me realise he still needed me.
I have been told how much it would devestate my family, how selfish it is etc etc etc, but when your head is overwhelming you it is impossible to think of other people or the consequences for other people, if your head wants out and thinks it can get peace it just acts and it is impossible to stop it.
I have tried cutting with a knife instead of suicide attempts to see if that can release my bad feelings but not have such bad results, but often when the head is bad, cutting is just not enough.
I have been told by a psychologist that the only way to stop the suicidal thoughts and acts is to bring yourself into the present moment and just think of your breath and the feelings in your body, and then the rumination and bad thoughts will get less and you can get past the moment.
But when your head is really bad it is impossible to get it to stop ruminating and get into the present moment, and the psychologist accepted that.
My head is so bad at the moment that I want out - I don't want to be at work and I don't want to be at home - I am so completely overwhelmed that I just don't know what to do, but I just keep going and it is getting worse and worse, and harder and harder.

08-06-2013, 08:36 AM
I think thoughts go through everyone's minds now and then but suicide itself is a selfish action and shouldn't ever be actually done. This isn't coming from a religious standpoint, just a factual one. There's always people who care and who will be truly hurt if you are gone. If the thoughts are persistent and in general with regards to anxiety/depression you should seek out a therapist.


I myself have suicidal thoughts quite frequently and especially whenever I "loose control" of my own body, I go completely insane. It actually did not happen long ago when anxiety reached the limit and I couldn't really control myself. At that point I attempted suicide and lost quite a lot of blood during the process. After an hour I suddenly noticed what I was doing and decided to cover my arm and stop the bleeding. Anyhow the point is that people who truly wish to commit suicide don't care about others at all. In that specific moment they only want to get rid of their own pain, which may only be possible by actually committing suicide.
The people saying "well think about your family, friends and the person who needs to clean up the mess afterwards" rarely has an effect on those who have set their mind or are going insane. To help them the best thing is to focus on them and not on the people around.

While I was attempting suicide the only things in my head were the following:
- The existence of humanity itself has no intention at all
- I don't care about the people around me, as I will be dead anyhow
- The pain and these thoughts will be gone for good
- I can finally rest and no longer need to worry or do anything

^ This sounds like paradise to a person who's anxiety or mental illness is reaching its limit.

08-06-2013, 03:11 PM
HideKoto I totally agree with what your saying. It really does get on my nerves when people say people who commit suicide need to think about their family ect because when your in the moment and you have a mental illness you won't think about those things

08-06-2013, 03:31 PM
Has anyone experienced any suicidal thoughts or actual attempts so far?

Thoughts, yes, off and on. Sometimes I still get strong suicidal urges, but I have not acted on any of them in years, thank God! But I still regularly wonder if life is worth it sometimes...

08-06-2013, 03:59 PM
Life may seem pointless sometimes, but that is only because you are pain. Mental and physical pain. The point of living is in fact living itself. Our consciousness is a wonderful gift, one that we have forgotten how to enjoy. Always try to remember that this pain, like everything else, is temporary. It may not seem to be, but it is. For whatever reason, our minds have been damaged, and we are stuck in a cycle of trauma and self inflicted horror. I think it is our brains trying to process thoughts that are almost too frightening to digest, but we will do it eventually, and we will move forward. It is inevitable. Someday you will look back and wonder why it took so long and so much effort to get past this phase in your life.