View Full Version : Anxiety while reading and working

08-05-2013, 07:11 AM
I am trying to fight procrastination, as I frankly think that I do it too often, but unfortunately whenever I want to do some work, study or even read, I suddenly get various anxiety attacks. I work mainly as a web designer and I always start biting my nails along with ripping parts of the skin on the side whenever I have to commit logical thinking, such as equations etc. Solving is not a problem or anything, but just during the process I can't stop myself from biting my nails and picking the skin. Unfortunately afterwards it just looks awful and I loose grip as well, for example it is painful whenever I need to pick up something as parts of the flesh is open or infected. Whenever I want to read and study something new, I suddenly get these hot & cold shivers as well as start shaking and I begin loosing my focus. I also have a few other symptoms, such as grinding my teeth or suddenly sitting slouched. For some reason it is very very difficult for me to just even sit straight again.
When I started writing this entry however I feel rather "normal" (without anxiety) and also sit straight.

Has anyone made any experience with this before and/or have any solutions? It is really annoying me, especially as I have planned to learn so much and I finally want to get things done, but whenever I try to another anxiety wave hits me and I procrastinate just to get my mind off it. :(

08-05-2013, 07:22 AM
Do you exercise? Maybe you need to commit to a daily walk. Metabolize some of the stress hormones your body produces.

08-05-2013, 07:28 AM
Do you exercise? Maybe you need to commit to a daily walk. Metabolize some of the stress hormones your body produces.

I only do some muscle training every day, but never run or take a walk. I don't like the sunlight nor do I like other people in reality (online is fine, as there is a distance) and that just boosts my anxiety. I would take a run or a walk very early in the morning, but I also have trouble getting up. I tell myself every evening to get up, as I have a lot to do and once I wake up in morning I just want to stay in bed and simply think "What's point in all of it, rather stay in my dreams". Then I oversleep by a few hours usually. :/