View Full Version : My safe people have left

10-13-2007, 10:25 AM

This is my first posting.

Im 23yr old living at home and working. I have suffered from anxiety, Panic, Agroraphobia for 5yrs now. I have done well i manged to go to school and im now working, although i cant go very far from home.

So i got struck with the stomach flu it really scared me and got my anxiety going. Im still getting over it but my parents left out of the country for a 2 week holiday yesterday. I begged them to stay, i feel so out of control without my dad here, he is my 'safe person' usually im a little anxious when they leave but with being sick i feel so out of control.
I do have some other people here to help me out, but none that know how i really am and what im feeling asides from the flu. I feel scared, alone and so badly want them to come home. I know if they did it would only enable me and not help me, but i have no clue how to get myself feeling strong again until they come home.

Any advice PLEASE! Thank you - StaceyN

10-13-2007, 11:08 PM
Do you have many friends? If so, figure out which one is your best friend and tell them how you really feel. If they don't support you then they aren't really your friend. You never know. Someone close to you might feel the same way you do. The more safe people you have the better you will feel.

10-14-2007, 12:10 PM
Anxiety is all in the mind. Believe it or not! So try taking your mind off of it and try to keep it occupied on something other than anxiety. If you feel a attack coming on, go play video games, clean your closet, listen to music and try to sing. Also calm yourself down, deep deeply in for 5 seconds and count one-aligator, two-aligator, etc... Do it until you start to feel calm.

Its good to learn how to be without your safe people because they won't always be there for you.

10-14-2007, 01:54 PM
Have you thought about seeing a therapist?
It helps to get out all your emotions with someone in front of you to react to them.


10-14-2007, 09:08 PM
Ya I have done therapy, people who specialize in anxiety and phobias. Done it all. Learning lots but its been 5 years and its still a struggle. I know i will be better one day..

I am feeling better though, im keeping busy and trying to stay positive, try to even smile about it.